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"An' so it goes on; an' day by day we r-read th' tur-rble story iv our brave sthrateejans sacrificin' their time on th' altar iv their counthry, as Hogan says. Little we thought, whin we wint into this war, iv th' horrors it wud bring. Little we thought iv th' mothers at home weepin' f'r their brave boys down at Washin'ton hur-rtin their poor eyes over a checker-board.

And when a man and a woman love each other as Isabelle and Krit did, when wuz it ever the case but what if there wuz any sacrificin' to do the woman wuz the one to do it. It is her nater, and I don't know but a real true woman takes as much comfort in bein' sort o' onhappy for the sake of some one she loves, as she would in swingin' right out and a-enjoyin' herself first rate.

She said that it wuzn't a week after this that her nephew and Dorothy had confided to her the fact of their engagement. Sez she, "Not one word to Dorothy have I mentioned or ever shall mention as to Robert's reasons for sacrificin' himself to ease my mind, and make me more care free.

"Jealous!" he said; "jealous of you? I reckon you've got a good opinion of yourself! You make me sick. I just want to put you wise a few. You don't need to try to pull off any of that sweet innocence stuff on me any more. You're deep an' slick, but I've sized you up. You made a monkey of the old man; you made him think like you're tryin' to make me think, that you're sacrificin' yourself.

In the library he brushed against Medora Joyce. "Oh, Dodie," he panted, "they're sacrificin' our little Preciosa to that big brute of a Morrell!" "I was afraid so," said Medora, with concern. "Stop it." "I'm going to!" said O'Grady. As he regained Prochnow's side Preciosa was just rising from the table, and Elizabeth Gibbons was slipping into her place.

Little nervous thing she is when I heard she was down with nervous prostration two years ago, I says, 'Land, land, I says, 'but ain't she always had it? They's a strain o' good blood in that girl, Al Kitton was New England, but they don't none of it flow up through her head. She's great on sacrificin', but she don't sacrifice judicious.