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Updated: August 14, 2024

Befe, barrelled, in lesse quantitie. Stockfishe, Meale in barrells. Oatemeale, in barrells, nere cowched. Ryse, Sallett Oile, barrelied Butter. Cheese, Hony in barrells. Currans, Raisons of the sonne. Dried Prunes, Olives in barrells. Beanes, dryed on the kill. Pease, dried likewise. Canary Wines, Hollocke. Sacks racked. Vinegar very stronge. Aqua Vitæ. Syders of Ffraunce, Spaine, and England.

The following verses from Tyndale's version show its simplicity directness, and similarity to the present version: "Jesus sayde unto her, Thy brother shall ryse agayne. "Martha sayde unto hym, I knowe wele, he shall ryse agayne in the resurreccion att the last day. "Jesus sayde unto her, I am the resurreccion and lyfe; whosoever beleveth on me, ye, though he were deed, yet shall he lyve."

The attention he had drawn to himself in his native city soon induced him to aspire after higher notice. In March he addressed the following letter to the Honourable Horace Walpole; This was accompanied by a manuscript, entitled "The Ryse of Peyneteyne in Englande, wroten by T. Rowleie, 1469, for Mastre Canynge:" to which Chatterton had annexed his own remarks.

Where being intertained in very good sort after the Russe maner, hee had sent vnto his lodging for his welcome, to bee made ready for his supper and his companies, two very large and fat horses, ready flayed in a shed. Some vse they haue of ryse, figs, and other fruits. They drinke milke or warme blood, and for the most part card them both together.

Yt does not please me well, being she hath taken so much paines and care to order things as well as she could, and ryse in the morning rath & go to bed soe latte, and have hard speeches for yt."

Morton's head disappeared, and after waiting a few moments to make sure he did not intend coming up on the poop, I returned to the skylight. My precious shipmate was talking again. "Hi 'eard 'im sy in the Knitting Swede's 'ow 'e was shipping in this ship just to ryse 'ell." "He said that, did he?" commented Captain Swope. "Now what have you to say to that, Newman?"

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