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One busies himself with Russification, another criticises the sciences. That's not their business. They had much better look into their consistory a little." "A layman cannot judge of bishops." "Why so, deacon? A bishop is a man just the same as you or I." "The same, but not the same." The deacon was offended and took up his pen.

And what in those days was important was not its Russification, but solely the military position which it afforded. Besides, the incorporation of Finland took place at a calamitous juncture for Russia. On the political horizon of Europe the clouds were growing denser and blacker, and there was a general foreboding of the coming events of the year 1812.

The Steppe Variety of Races, Languages, and Religions The German Colonists In What Sense the Russians are an Imitative People The Mennonites Climate and Arboriculture Bulgarian Colonists Tartar-Speaking Greeks Jewish Agriculturists Russification A Circassian Scotchman Numerical Strength of the Foreign Element.

This conclusion has since been confirmed by observation. During my wanderings in these northern provinces I have found villages in every stage of Russification.

Though no such barrier existed among the pagan Finnish tribes, the work of Russification among them is still, as I have already indicated, far from complete. Not only whole villages, but even many entire districts, are still very little affected by Russian influence. This is to be explained partly by geographical conditions.

Established at Constantinople, her next stage would be Trieste; and the ultimate Russification of all the little Slavonic nationalities of the Balkans, of which she is now the champion, becomes inevitable. The only safeguard against this is the maintenance of Austria as the suzerain power in the peninsula.

The Finns in the north were Lutherans; the Poles in the centre, though Slavs, were Roman Catholic in religion and anti-Russian in sentiment; and the Jews in the centre and south were Jews. The first step, therefore, towards the Slavophil goal was the "Russification" of the subject peoples of Russia.

The truth was that, instead of the reported Russification, there had set in a vigorous reaction, which rendered the position more critical. Both sides had become desperate. Some Maskilim, emboldened by the interest the Government evinced in their efforts, had resorted to all manner of means to accomplish their object, and frequently allied themselves with the oppressors.

The various stages in the Russification of the Jewish intelligenzia are marked by the changing tendencies of the Jewish periodical press in the Russian language. In point of literary form, it approached the European models more closely than the contemporary Hebrew press.

The "Russification" which has been going on there for some years is equally absurd, equally wicked, and sure to be equally disastrous. The first Russian statesman with whom I had to do was the minister of foreign affairs, M. de Giers; but he was dying. I saw him twice in retirement at Tzarskoye Selo, and came to respect him much.