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But when I tell these pilgrims, they laugh at me. The hull Sioux nation is on the spring hunt right now. I'll not have it said Jim Bridger led a wagon train into a massacree. If ye'll let me, I'm for leavin' 'em an' trainin' with you-all, especial since you got anyhow one good man along. I've knowed Bill Jackson many a year at the Rendyvous afore the fur trade petered. Damn the pilgrims!

Nacherl, when the runners come back an' told what that thing really was, all the Injuns, every tribe, said if the white man was goin' to bury the buffler the white man had got to stay back. "Us trappers an' traders got along purty well with the Injuns they could get things they wanted at the posts or the Rendyvous, an' that was all right. They had pelts to sell.

So you see fit to come into my camp?" For the time he had no answer. "How are you, Bill?" said Kit Carson quietly, as he now stepped forward from the shadows. The older man gave him a swift glance. "Kit! You here why?" he demanded. "I've not seed ye, Kit, sence the last Rendyvous on the Green. Ye've been with the Army on the coast?" "Yes. Going east now."

"We was friends, wasn't we, Bill?" he demanded again and again; and Jackson, drunk as he, nodded in like maudlin gravity. He himself began to chant. The two were savages again. "Well, we got to part, Bill. This is Jim Bridger's last Rendyvous. I've rid around an' said good-by to the mountings. Why don't we do it the way the big partisans allus done when the Rendyvous was over?

These matters concluded, and it having been agreed that all should lie by for another day, they resolved the meeting into one of better fellowship. Old Bill Jackson, lying against his blanket roll, fell into reminiscence. "Times past," said he, "the Green River Rendyvous was helt right in here.

Mounting men togged out, new leggin's an' moccasins their womern had made, warriors painted up a inch o' their lives, an' women with brass wire an' calico all they wanted maybe two-three thousand people in the Rendyvous. "But I never seed the grass so short, an' I never seed so much fightin' afore in all my life as I have this trip.