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A noble walk, and one that compares favourably with many Abruzzi excursions. What deserts they often are, these stretches of arid limestone, voiceless and waterless, with the raven's croak for your only company! I am glad to have seen Pescasseroli, where we arrived at about 9 a.m.

"Attestations relating to the bears of Pescasseroli, Your Majesty. They seem to be thriving." "Ah! That is nice of them. They are multiplying once more, thanks to Our Royal protection. We thought they would." "Multiplying indeed, Sire. Here are testimonials, sworn before the local syndic, showing that they have devoured 18 head of cattle and 43 sheep." "In that short time? Is it possible?

Now whoever, after walking from Scanno over Pescasseroli to Sora in one day, and on the next, in the blazing heat of early autumn, from Sora over Isola Liri and Veroli to Alatri touching in two days the soil of three Italian provinces: Aquila, Caserta, and Rome whoever, after doing this, and inspecting the convent of Casamari en route, feels inclined for a similar promenade on the third day: let him rest assured of my profound respect.

Women, in their unhygienic costume, still carry those immense loads of wood on their heads, though payment is considerably higher than the three half-pence a day which it used to be. Enough of Scanno! Whoever wishes to leave the place on foot and by an unconventional route, may go to Sora via Pescasseroli.

No family or parliamentary worries, We trust?" "Your Majesty is very kind! No. It is the bears of Pescasseroli. They have eaten 75 head of cattle, 93 sheep, and 114 goats. Ah and 18 horses. Here are the claims for damages, notarially attested." "We must pay. But if only somebody could teach the dear creatures to breed a little more reasonably!"

For there are bears at Pescasseroli, and nowhere else in Italy; even as there are chamois nearby, between Opi and Villetta Barrea, among the crags of the Camosciara, which perpetuates their name. One of those present assured us that the bear is a good beast; he will eat a man, of course, but if he meets a little boy, he contents himself with throwing stones at him just to teach him good manners.