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Everybody at court received her graciously; everybody but the king and myself, who held her in equal horror. The Parc-aux-Cerfs cost enormous sums. The lowest expense was calculated at 150,000 livres, to pay only the functionaries and the domestics, the education and the board of the eleves, etc.

The king's friends The duc de Fronsac The duc d'Ayen's remark Manner of living at court The marquis de Dreux -Breze Education of Louis XV The Parc-aux-Cerfs Its household Its inmates Mere Bompart Livres expended on the Parc-aur-Cerfs Good advice Madame I was now firmly fixed at court, the king, more than ever devoted to me, seemed unable to dispense with my constant presence.

The king's friends The duc de Fronsac The duc d'Ayen's remark Manner of living at court The marquis de Dreux -Breze Education of Louis XV The <Parc-aux-Cerfs> Its household Its inmates Mere Bompart Livres expended on the <Parc-aux-Cerfs> Good advice Madame I was now firmly fixed at court, the king, more than ever devoted to me, seemed unable to dispense with my constant presence.

There were two little rooms by the side of the chapel, whither the King retired from his apartment, without being seen by anybody but a sentinel, who had his orders, and who did not know who passed through those rooms. The King sometimes went to the Parc-aux-cerfs, or received those young ladies in the apartments I have mentioned.

Unknown to me were those dance-halls, public or other, open to any of those thirty thousand women who are permitted to sell themselves in Paris; I had heard of the saturnalia of all ages, of every imaginable orgy, from Babylon to Rome, from the temple of Priapus to the Parc-aux-Cerfs, and I have always seen written on the sill of that door the word, "Pleasure."

When they married, they received some jewels, and four thousand louis. The Parc-aux-cerfs was sometimes vacant for five or six months. I was surprised, some time after, at seeing the Duchesse de Luynes, Lady of Honour to the Queen, come privately to see Madame de Pompadour. She afterwards came openly.

He informed me that she was still an inmate of the 'Parc-aux-cerfs', where she continued to be the delight of Louis XV., to whom she had given a child. My guests left me after midnight, highly pleased, and I remained alone.

The truth is, that a stronger argument against the old monarchy of France may be drawn from the noyades and the fusillades than from the Bastile and the Parc-aux-cerfs. We believe it to be a rule without an exception, that the violence of a revolution corresponds to the degree of misgovernment which has produced that revolution. Why was the French Revolution so bloody and destructive?

The Mother-Abbess of the Parc-aux-cerfs perceived her extraordinary grief, and managed so as to make her confess that she knew the Polish Count was the King of France. She confessed that she had taken from his pocket two letters, one of which was from the King of Spain, the other from the Abbe de Brogue.

These various reports threw me into a train of painful and uneasy reflections. Louis XV. had never before bestowed such marks of favour upon any eleve of the Parc-aux-Cerfs, and the intrigue had attained this height with the most inconceivable rapidity.