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Praps you will say that these ladies were, for such rich pipple, mightaly esaly captivated; but recklect, my dear sir, that they were fresh from Injar, that they'd not sean many lords, that they adoared the peeridge, as every honest woman does in England who has proper feelinx, and has read the fashnabble novvles, and that here at Paris was their fust step into fashnabble sosiaty.

So thought Dawkins, at least; who, though a quiet young man, fond of his boox, novvles, Byron's poems, foot-playing, and such like scientafic amusemints, grew hand in glove with honest Dick Blewitt, and soon after with my master, the Honrabble Halgernon. Poor Daw! he thought he was makin good connexions and real frends he had fallen in with a couple of the most etrocious swinlers that ever lived.

I'll learn to make myself usefle, in the fust place; then I'll larn to spell; and, I trust, by reading the novvles of the honrabble member, and the scientafick treatiseses of the reverend doctor, I may find the secrit of suxess, and git a litell for my own share.

He came in as Miss, in tears, was lisning to my account of master's seazure, and hoping that the prisn wasn't a horrid place, with a nasty horrid dunjeon, and a dreadfle jailer, and nasty horrid bread and water. Law bless us! she had borrod her ideers from the novvles she had been reading! "O my lord, my lord," says she, "have you heard this fatal story?" "Dearest Matilda, what?

Here it is in black and white: "My prisoned bird shall pine no more, but fly home to its nest in these arms! Adored Algernon, I will meet thee to-morrow, at the same place, at the same hour. Then, then, it will be impossible for aught but death to divide us. This kind of flumry style comes, you see, of reading novvles, and cultivating littery purshuits in a small way.

I'd lay a wager that you make, with one thing or another plays, novvles, pamphlicks, and little odd jobbs here and there your three thowsnd a year. There's many a man, dear Bullwig that works for less, and lives content. Why shouldn't you? Three thowsnd a year is no such bad thing, let alone the barnetcy: it must be a great comfort to have that bloody hand in your skitching.