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It is ready to supply those things by which you can set norms, you can set bases, for all the scientific processes of business. I have a great admiration for the scientific parts of the Government of the United States, and it has amazed me that so few men have discovered them.

Men and nations, epochs and civilisation pass each making its contribution I do not know what it is, this something, except that it is supreme. It is, a something, a quality, an element, one may find now in colours, now in norms, now in sounds, now in thoughts.

As pilot plants they experiment with deviations from existing social norms, acting as a social laboratory in which new ideas and practices are tested, modified, accepted, rejected. Change is one of the essential aspects of every society. There are changes in personnel. In each generation individuals grow old and retire.

Cause them to become the signs of harmony and unity until the end of time.” These are all relationships within the family, but there is a much wider sphere of relationships between men and women than in the home, and this too we should consider in the context of Bahá’í society, not in that of past or present social norms.

He finds that when these norms and values have awakened with great clearness within man's spirit they inevitably lead to the conception of the Godhead. And it is in this work that Eucken's Metaphysic of Life becomes a religious metaphysic.

But when they are present, the will is turned from the direction of ordinary life and its ease to the conception of the meaning and value of the highest norms. Something, appearing as of intrinsic value, now makes itself felt, and stirs the whole nature. Thus, a new movement begins; the passive attitude of the soul gives way to an autonomous attitude and movement.

Probably enough has been said to show that the idealistic systems of Germany are tending more and more in the direction of a philosophy which attempts to take into account not only the results of the physical sciences and psychology, but also those of the norms of history and of the over-individual contents of consciousness.

On the other hand, the jurist needs to know the principles of social organization and evolution in general before he can understand the nature and purpose of law. Its problems are the nature of morality and of moral obligation, the validity of moral ideals, the norms by which conduct is to be judged, and the like.

When required to pay for his misdeeds, the narcissist is always disdainful and bitter and feels misunderstood by his inferiors. When social cues and norms encourage such behavior rather than inhibit it in other words, when such behavior elicits abundant narcissistic supply the pattern is reinforced and become entrenched and rigid.

The two poles immanence and transcendence are complementary. The former shows that something of the Divine nature has been implanted within human nature; the latter shows that more is in existence than we have already possessed. Spiritual norms never decrease but increase in splendour the nearer man is to their attainment.