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And the former indeed receives its perfection in intelligible and divine forms, and real beings which have a perpetual sameness of subsistence; but the latter looks to that which is formless, and non-being, and which has a various subsistence; and, about this it's visive power is blunted. The former contemplates that which is, but the latter assumes such a form as appears to the many.

"'The terrible and wise spirit, the spirit of self annihilation and non-being, goes on the Inquisitor, 'the great spirit of negation conversed with Thee in the wilderness, and we are told that he "tempted" Thee... Was it so?

'From Reasoning. Reasoning shows Being and Non-being to be attributes of things.

The possibility of such an infinite derivation, without any initial member from which all the others result, is certainly quite incomprehensible. For if experience did not teach you that it was real, you never could conceive a priori the possibility of this ceaseless sequence of being and non-being.

And the consequence of this would be that the Nescience attached to consciousness could never be destroyed by any one. If Nescience, we further remark, is viewed as that which can be defined neither as Being nor non-Being, we shall show later on that such Nescience is something quite incomprehensible.

This book lays down the terrible thesis that creation is a mistake; being, such as it is, is not as good as non-being, and death is better than life. I felt the same mournful impression that Obermann left upon me in my youth. The black melancholy of Buddhism encompassed and overshadowed me.

Being has no outline but that which non-being makes, and the two ideas form an inseparable pair. "Each limits and defines the other. Hence arose that paradox: 'Being is by nothing more real than not-being." "Popularly," Mr. Blood goes on, "we think of all that is as having got the better of non-being.

Persistence is here, as with so many other things in the world, the first and most important presupposition for success. In all cases in which there is a question of the fulfilment of apparently impossible demands or tasks, the entire attention of a people must be concentrated only on this one question, in such a way as if being or non-being actually depends on its solution ...

And since non-intelligent matter is subject to changes corresponding to the actions of the individual souls, it may be called 'non-being, while the souls are 'being. This the next sloka further explains 'when knowledge is pure, &c.

The assertion that Nescience to be defined neither as that which is nor as that which is not rests on the authority of Scripture is untrue. Up. Up. Samh. Up. Samh. There is thus no reference whatever to something 'not definable either as being or non-being': the terms 'being' and 'non-being' are applied to different mode; of being at different times.