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As he spoke, Mercy's eyes grew larger and larger, never leaving his face. She had at least imagination enough for that! Christina curled her pretty lip, and looked disgusted. The one at a horrible tale was horrified, the other merely disgusted! The one showed herself capable of some reception; the other did not. "Something might be done with that girl!" thought Ian.

"I perfectly well know it wasn't Merle's fault." "Well, Mrs. Seaver came in about four o'clock for her final fitting, and what do you think?" "For mercy's sake!" pleaded Winona.

As time went on, others of her sex stole glances at Mercy's son from the depths of their bonnets; and at last, after over an hour, they and all were drawn to look steadily at the young man upon whose business this Meeting of Discipline had been called.

Was there no possibility of securing one of them? What chance was there of Mercy's marrying well! she was so decidedly plain! Was the idea of marrying her into an old and once powerful family like that of the Macruadh, to her husband inconceivable?

"She was just as cool as a cucumber. Think of her shooting that bull just in the nick of time and saving our Ruth!" "It does seem," remarked Mercy Curtis in her sharp way, "that Ruthie Fielding cannot venture abroad without getting into trouble." "And getting out of it, I thank you," rejoined Helen, somewhat offended by Mercy's remark.

The door unlocked, and as we were going out, Lady Geraldine whispered to me "For mercy's sake, my lord, don't break my poor mother's heart! Never let her know that a coronet has been within my grasp, and that I have not clutched it."

The servant appeared again as he spoke, with some lines in pencil written by Lady Janet on the back of Julian's note. "Thank God, we have revived her. In a few minutes we hope to be able to take her to her room." The nearest way to Mercy's room was through the library. Grace's immediate removal had now become a necessity which was not to be trifled with.

The waters of each may leap and sparkle alike, to the eye, in the sunshine; but when drought has fallen on the lake, and the place that knew it knows it no more, the spring is full, free, and glad as ever. Mrs. White's pleasure in Mercy's presence was short-lived.

"Good sir," cried the wagoner, seeing this strange apparition in armor so resolute, "for mercy's sake, do but let me take out our mules first, and get out of harm's way with them as fast as I can, before the lions get out; for if they should kill them, I should be undone forever, for that cart and they are all I have in the world to get a living with."

"Nasty thing!" exclaimed Miss Mercy, viciously, and raised her club to finish it. The blow landed, and Miss Mercy and the toad saw stars simultaneously, for Aunt Lizzie brought down a four-foot stick and crushed in the crown of Miss Mercy's alpine hat. "You dread-ful woman!"