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With these saintly and political women must be mentioned the women doctors of Salerno Trothula, Abella, Mercurialis, and others who played so important a part both as professors and practitioners when this school of medicine was at its zenith in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and who left behind them, as evidence of their learning, treatises which are of interest to-day as showing mediæval methods in medicine.

WOOD SPURGE. The juice of this plant has been known to produce very dangerous swellings in the mouth and throat of persons who have occasionally put it into their mouths. We do not know that it is very dangerous; and nothing is likely to tempt any persons to use it as food or otherwise. MERCURIALIS perennis.

Many other varieties have sprung from the type-species under similar conditions from time to time. A fern-leaved mercury, Mercurialis annua laciniata, was discovered in the year 1719 by Marchant. The type was quite new at the time and maintained itself during a series of years.

There was an analogue of this case found by Mercurialis in a child of a Jew called Teutonicus. Gerster reports a rare form of imperforate anus, with malposition of the left ureter, obliteration of the ostia of both ureters, with consequent hydronephrosis of a confluent kidney. There was a minute opening into the bladder, which allowed the passage of meconium through the urethra.

Jerome Mercurialis speaks of it as employed by many physicians in order to impart embonpoint to thin, meagre persons; and Galen informs us that slave merchants used it as a means of clearing the complexion of their slaves and plumping them up.

Instances of twelve months' duration are also recorded. Jonston quotes Paschal in relating an instance of birth after pregnancy of twenty-three months; Aventium, one after two years; and Mercurialis, a birth after a four years' gestation which is, of course, beyond belief.

To conclude, As I am a Compound of Soul and Body, I consider myself as obliged to a double Scheme of Duties; and I think I have not fulfilled the Business of the Day when I do not thus employ the one in Labour and Exercise, as well as the other in Study and Contemplation. By Hieronymus Mercurialis, who died at Forli, in 1606. No. 116. Friday, July 13, 1711. Budgell.

I do not see myself any very near likeness: but as all the species of Chenopodium have been called English Mercury, it is possible that the name may have been the cause of the mistake. MERCURIALIS annua. ANNUAL DOG'S MERCURY. Persons who are in the habit of gathering wild herbs to cook, should be careful of this.

The first accurate ideas in reference to elephantiasis arabum are given by Rhazes, Haly-Abas, and Avicenna, and it is possibly on this account that the disease received the name elephantiasis arabum. The disease was afterward noticed by Forestus, Mercurialis, Kaempfer, Ludoff, and others.