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There was not the least servility in Jake's manner, although it was respectful, as he said, "How d'ye, Mas'r Crompton. I'm shoo it's you, an' I'se right glad to see you, though I 'spects you done come for the lill chile, an' I feel fit to bust when I think of partin' wid her. Walk in, walk in; take a cheer, an' I'll sen' Mandy Ann for de lill chile.

She lifted her eyes, and as they met the look of deep and placid kindness that was in his face, some courage returned, and she said: "Miché." "Wad you wand?" asked he, gently. "If it arrive to me to die" "Yez?" Her words were scarcely audible: "I wand you teg kyah my lill' girl." "You 'ave one lill' gal, Madame Carraze?" She nodded with her face down. "An' you godd some mo' chillen?" "No."

'E is in bed; but 'e say to tell you in dat lill troubl' of dis mawnin' it is himseff w'at is inti'lie wrong, an' 'e hass you poddon. 'E says sen' fo' Doctor Conrotte, but I din go fo' him; dat ole scoun'rel he believe in puttin' de niggas fre'." Frowenfeld said he would not consult professional advisers; with a little assistance from Raoul, he could give the cut the slight attention it needed.

"I nevva know dad, Madame Carraze. She's a lill' small gal?" Mothers forget their daughters' stature. Madame Delphine said: "Yez." For a few moments neither spoke, and then Monsieur Vignevielle said: "I will do dad." "Lag she been you' h-own?" asked the mother, suffering from her own boldness. "She's a good lill' chile, eh?"

At first I thought I had discovered the 'ends of the earth, or perhaps I had somehow come to the great wall of China. But after walking a long way I came to a large gate, and over it was printed in beautiful gold letters, 'Santa Claus Land, and the letters were large enough for a baby to read!" How large that might be Lill did not stop to explain.