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The beggars, with their long beards and ancient Sarmatian costume, excite deep commiseration; it is very true that if they would work they need not be in that state; but I know not whether it is pride or laziness which makes them disdain the culture of the enslaved earth.

O! I am now miserable. My days of peace are gone!" "This is all very sad, La Certe," said Dan, in a tone of sympathy. "What does she remonstrate about?" "About my laziness! She does it very kindly, very gently so like her old self! but she does it. She says, `Husband; we have gone on this way too long. We must change. You must change. You are lazy!"

There was no evidence of Negro criminality, or brutality, or laziness in the Negro child's victory; and every day in the South, in their games and otherwise, hundreds of white children of the best families are in closer personal contact with little Negroes than were the white children who took part in the Cleveland spelling bee.

II. If this work of chastity is to be permanent, it will drive to many other good works, to fasting and temperance over against gluttony and drunkenness, to watching and early rising over against laziness and excessive sleep, to work and labor over against idleness.

That is one of the blessings of peace, Scudamore; even as Latin and Greek are. 'Apertis otia portis' Open the gates for laziness. Ah, I should have done well at old Winton, they tell me, if I had not happened to run away to sea."

X. himself is of powerful undersized build and enjoys good health, injured by no excesses. He considers himself nervous. He worked hard at school and was always the first in his class; he adds, however, that this is due less to his own abilities than the laziness of his school-fellows. He is, as he remarks, very religious and prays frequently, but seldom goes to church.

"'We have been waiting for you, cried Young gaily. "'You must excuse us, said the mother; 'this is our regular breakfast hour. "'Of course, of course; I am obliged to you for not noticing my laziness. "Raesel was much more lively than the preceding evening; she had a fresh colour in her cheeks. "'The wind has gone down, said she; 'the storm has passed away without doing any harm.

A couple of rainy days, with the thermometer rising to 80 deg., combined with natural laziness to detain the travelers in this cottage of ease. They enjoyed this the more because it was on their consciences that they should visit Linville Falls, some twenty-five miles eastward, long held up before them as the most magnificent feature of this region, and on no account to be omitted.

The women began to age at twenty, the men were old at twenty-five and generally died about thirty, of general decay, said the priest. In my opinion of pure laziness. Exertion is a condition of healthy existence; and the most active are generally the longest lived. Nevertheless, Fray Ignacio was content with his people.

Was your father and mother willing that you should become a pilgrim? VALIANT. O no! They used all means imaginable to persuade me to stay at home. GREAT-HEART, What could they say against it? VALIANT. They said it was an idle life; and if I myself were not inclined to sloth and laziness, I would never countenance a pilgrim's condition. GREAT-HEART. And what did they say else?