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Say, you aren't kidding me along?" In the light of the lantern Milt had kindled, Claire looked questioningly at him. Both of them shrugged. Claire promised, "Yes. Tonight. If we can make it." "And will you jolly Mr. Kloh for me? Gee, I'll be awfully scared of him. I swear, I'll wash his dishes and everything. He's a good man. He Say, he ain't seen my new parasol, neither!"

With a squawk of anxiety he leaped on the scrubbing-brush, and when Milt and Dlorus appeared at the door, Mr. Kloh and Miss Claire Boltwood were wiping up the kitchen floor.

This gambler Pinky Parrott, he comes along with his elegant ways, and he hands me out a swell line of gab, and I ups and leaves poor Kloh, and the kid, and the nicest kid Say, please, could you folks take me wherever you're going? Maybe I could get a job again used to was a good waitress, and I ain't going to wait here any longer for that lying, cheating, mean-talking " "Oh, Mrs.

Oh, wait till I get hold of him; just wait!" Claire thought of the still hand so still that she had seen under the edge of the upturned car. She tried to speak, while the woman raved on, wrath feeding wrath: "Thank God, I ain't really his wife! My husband is a fine man Mr. Kloh Dlorus Kloh, my name is. Mr. Kloh's got a fine job with the mill, at North Yakima. Oh, I was a fool!

You are a lazy, ignorant, not very clean woman, and if you succeed in making Mr. Kloh and Willy happy, it will be almost too big a job for you. Now if I come back from Seattle and find you misbehaving again " Dlorus broke down. "You won't, miss! And I will raise chickens, like he wanted, honest I will!" "Then you may let me have a room to take a nap in, and perhaps Mr.