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Disorder was at its height in the Company's affairs; the vast enterprises commenced by Dupleix required success and conquests, but they had been abandoned since his recall, not without having ingulfed, together with his private fortune, a portion of the Company's resources.

Afterward, in one day and one fatal night, there came mighty earthquakes and inundations, which ingulfed that warlike people; Atlantis disappeared beneath the sea, and then that sea became inaccessible, so that navigation on it ceased on account of the quantity of mud which the ingulfed island left in its place.” This invasion took place many ages before Athens was known as a Greek city.

Of these, the Lakes of Vico and Agnano are the most interesting. The former is the ancient Lacus Cimini, and old authors state that its site was once occupied by a town, whose ruins used to be visible at the bottom of the lake when the water was clear. The ground, with the town upon it, is said to have been ingulfed during a volcanic convulsion, when the lake was formed in its place.

Volcanoes of Java Papandayang Mountain Ingulfed Great Destruction of Life and Property Galoen-gong Destructive Eruption Mount Merapia Great Eruption, with Hurricane Another, very destructive Mud Volcano Crater of Tankuban-Prahu Island of Sumbawa Volcano of Tomboro Terrific Eruption Timor A Volcano quenches itself Cleaving of Mount Machian Sangir Destructive Eruption Bourbon.

"I have heard that the gulf, which foundering vessels leave, swallows all lesser objects that are floating nigh!" "It sometimes happens. For worlds I would not deceive you; and I now say that I think our chance for escape equal to that of being ingulfed with the vessel." "This is terrible!" murmured the governess, "but the will of Heaven be done!

Alas! beautiful and romantic hills of Carolina, which the delighted traveller so often stops to admire; fair and fertile plains interspersed with groves of the orange, the lemon, and the myrtle, which fling such healthful fragrance to the air, where are ye fled? Has some earthquake, some sudden and dreadful concussion of nature, ingulfed you? No!

If the house had no beauty, it commanded a world of loveliness. All around it north, south, and west there spread, as it were, a vast playground of heather and wood and grassy common, in which the few workaday patches of hedge and ploughed land seemed ingulfed and lost.

Our people lost courage daily after this ill success, the weather continuing thick and blustering, with increase of cold, winter drawing on, which took from them all hope of amendment, settling an assurance of worse weather to grow upon us every day. The leeside of us lay full of flats and dangers, inevitable if the wind blew hard at south. Some again doubted we were ingulfed in the Bay of St.

The more and the more eagerly she pondered in silence, the more surely she perceived that earthly glory and magnificence, which she had thought the greatest blessings, were only a series of sunbeams, swiftly following one another, which would be clouded by one shadow after the other until darkness and oblivion ingulfed them. Like every outward splendour, fame dazzles the eyes of men.

Prince Edwin, on the contrary, gave himself up to despair, and when he saw the king's ship spreading her canvas to the gale, and fast receding from his sight, he uttered a cry that was heard above the uproar of the winds and waves. Starting up in the boat, and extending his arms toward the disappearing vessel, he unwittingly lost his balance, and was in a moment ingulfed in the stormy billows.