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Updated: August 4, 2024

'Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bidst the mighty ocean keep Its own appointed limits deep. The lady passengers were trying the wheezy old harmonium in front of the cuddy, because it was Sunday night. In the patch of darkness near the wheel-grating sat the Captain, and the end of his cheroot burned like a head-lamp.

All the same, he saw the blaze of the head-lamp pick out the trees across the ravine and sprang on to the bridge. Somehow he hit the ties; perhaps by subconscious judgment, and perhaps by good luck. Then he felt loose gravel under his feet and thrilled with a strange fierce satisfaction. His breath was labored and his body wet by sweat, but the moving beam had not reached the lamp.

Van Heerden peered through the window ahead and caught a glimpse of a red lamp. "It is all right," he said, "this must be Putney Common, and I told Gregory to meet me with any news." A man came into the rays of the head-lamp and passed to the door. "Well," asked the doctor, "is there any trouble?" "Where is Beale?" "At the old man's hotel. He has been there all day."

Staring out through a quivering glass I could see a white haze rising and falling ahead as the wild gusts came down, driving an icy coldness through the vibrating cab, while, when these passed, there was only the glare of the huge head-lamp flickering like a comet down the straight-ruled track.

Then as, with the red, quartered ensign fluttering above the head-lamp and each end platform crowded, the train passed the last construction camp, a swarm of blue-shirted toilers cast their hats into the air, and the scream of the brakes was drowned in a mighty cheer, while I found myself cheering vehemently among the rest.

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