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Good-day, spider-legs, an' don't go for to run into a hartist again, with a paint-pot in 'is 'and." So saying, Miles pushed through the laughing crowd and sauntered away. He turned into the first street he came to, and then went forward as fast as was consistent with the idea of an artisan in a hurry.

Shalloon, being resolved to be the gentleman in all things, and knowing that my character as a man of fashn wasn't compleat unless I sat to that dixtinguished Hartist. My likenis I presented to Hangelina. "Would any man beleave that this picture was soald at my sale for about a twenty-fifth part of what it cost me?

'Ay, surely, for he be the owner of the whole property hereabout. But 'tis not money will give comfort; he have had a deal o' trouble. I mind when his father turned him out o' doors for his painting and sich-like persoots. And he went to Italy, and there he taught hisself to be a hartist, and painted and carved a lot o' stone figures, and folks say he made a name for hisself in Lunnon.

"You know a wunnerful deal about 'orses for a hartist, Mr. Joses," he remarked, not troubling to deny the soft impeachment. Joses got to his feet and began to talk volubly. Monkey Brand listened in respectful silence, waving to the lads to keep in the background. When the orator had finished, the little jockey went in to report to Old Mat. "He knows altogether too much that Mr.

Man, you can lead an army corps . . ." His voice died away as the two officers departed on their three-mile squelch to the front line, and the unshaven Jones gazed after them admiringly. "A hartist!" he murmured admiringly, "a plurry hartist. Personally, the rasberry juice, any old 'ow for me." He disappeared from view, and further disclosures would be tactless. . . .

Brimberly's master's cigars, "I say let joy and 'armony be unconfined! How about Jenkins and 'is banjer?" "I'll call 'im up immediate!" nodded Mr. Brimberly, rising. "Mr. Jenkins is a true hartist, equally facetious and soulful, sir!" So saying, Mr. Brimberly arose and crossed toward the telephone.