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Owen kept on. "I s-s-say exactly the same. So far as I k-know I haven't seen, h-handled or even s-smelled that little b-b-box since Max hid it in h-h-here. I'm completely f-f-f-f" whistle "flabbergasted at finding it gone." "And Steve, what about you?" Owen asked.

Brown cast a quick, comprehensive glance from the face of the woman to where the man was now leaning lazily against the wall. "All r-right, little g-girl," he said slowly, and with grave deliberation. "I-I reckon I n-never went b-back on any p-pard yet. B-blamed if y-y-you hate thet c-cuss any worse th-than I do. Y-you bet, I 'll take you out o' h-h-here safe 'nough."

"You shall d-d-die h-h-here," answered Cornelius, still shaking violently, and in a sort of expiring voice. The whole performance was so absurd and provoking that Jim didn't know whether he ought to be amused or angry. "Not till I have seen you tucked away, you bet," he called out, exasperated yet ready to laugh. You can do your damnedest."

"Where are you, Toby, old fellow?" called Steve. "H-h-here! L-l-lookout, or you'll f-f-fall over, too," came weakly from a point just ahead of them. "Oh, didn't I tell you?" shouted Bandy-legs. "It is a precipice after all, and p'r'aps an awful high one! Hold on, Toby, don't you dare let loose when we're right at hand." Max had felt a thrill again at the prospect of such a peril threatening Toby.

Thinking it to be a boy, I called out in a stage-whisper: "Is that old pig, Carpet Slippers, up there?" And a dear little chestnut beard and a smile came over the balusters, accompanied by a voice: "Yes, h-h-here he is. Wh-what do you want with him?" It was Fillet, in carpet slippers, and round a corner. And then in his class-room, this day, I got a sum wrong.