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When we got to the top of the hill Amos was running round, twisting the necks of the wounded pigeons. As soon as he saw us, he stood up and began: "H-H-He " But he was too excited, and couldn't get the words out. He pointed to the pigeons, and kept on catching them and twisting their necks. We did the same. When we got through, Davy asked, "What was it that you were saying to us when we got here?

"Y-y-yes, he drove the jitney." "Where did he drive it?" "H-h-he drove it everywhere." "He drove it over here with the suit-case, didn't he?" "Yes, he did." "And you know Biddle, and you know what he did, don't you?" "Yes, I know." "And you're willing to tell all you know about it, are you?" "Yes, I'll tell it all. I'll tell whatever you " "You'll tell whatever you know, will you?"

Punched him afore he cud even pull his gun; never heerd o' no sich miracle afore in this yere camp. Why, Lord, that fellar 's quicker 'n chain-lightnin'; I 've seen him onlimber more 'n once." "I-I reckon h-h-he won't be v-very likely ter l-let up on yer now, M-m-mister W-Winston," put in the young giant cautiously. "H-he ain't ther kind t-ter fergit no sich d-d-deal."

You know how ignominiously he has surrendered the key of a moral position which for the honor of the Grandissime-Fusilier name we have felt it necessary to hold against our hereditary enemies! And you know " here Agricola actually dropped all artificiality and spoke from the depths of his feelings, without figure "h-h-he has joined himself in business h-with a man of negro blood! What can we do?

He lie in the stern and Noey try to help him, but the sea was fearful. I couldn't hear him speak. Noey the coon here hear him speak. "'Are you a-dying, old man? I asks. "Noey says he answer that he was." "Yessah, h-h-he done spoke that he w-w-was."

Then he had it fixed so when Bandy-legs got to moving about, as he always does, you know, any time he was liable to loosen the plug and the pressure of the water'd do the rest. "Oh! what a wicked shame!" cried the owner of the wrecked canoe. "H-h-he ought t' b-b-be hung f-f-for it!" exclaimed Toby, just as indignant as though it had been his own boat that was injured so wantonly.

"We've been waiting and watching and hoping this half hour and more," said Owen, with a rather forlorn smile; "but still he doesn't come out of the window where he must have gone in." "H-h-he likes it in t-t-there. Most c-c-comfortable place he ever s-s-struck," Toby remarked. "Where were the dogs when he went in?" Max asked. "Off with us," replied Owen.