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"Dae ye ken 'at yon hizzy ye've ta'en intill yer hoose ca's hersel' Mary Gemmell?" "Oh, well, what's in a name?" "I wonner tae hear ye, Davvit! What wad yer faither hae thocht aboot it, or yer gran'faither? Gie'n the femly name, that's come doon unspotted frae ae generation till anither, tae a funnlin' aff the streets! Ou, ay!

And I looked at him, and listened to him bluster, and thought maybe I'd have a bit to do wi' him as well. I'm a wee man and a', but I'm awfu' strong from the work I did in the pit, and I'm never afraid of a bully. I need ha' gie'n myself no concern as to the secretary. He smiled, and let the basso talk. And I'll swear he winked at me. "I really can't decide such a matter, Mr.

This commencement of a speech proves that you have made the plunge, but not that you can swim. At a repetition of 'Gentlemen! expectancy resolved into cynicism. 'Gie'n a help, sang out a son of the plough to a neighbour of the orator. 'Hang it! murmured another, 'we ain't such gentlemen as that comes to. Mr. Raikes was politely requested to 'tune his pipe.

This auld world has seen a great sacrifice a greater sacrifice than any it has known since Calvary. The brawest, the noblest, the best of our men, have offered themselves, a' they had and were, upon the altar of liberty and of conscience. And I'll ask you some questions. Gie'n you're asked, the noo, tae do something that's no just for your ain benefit.