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Git right in, gemmans. Whoa dar, Flossie! Don't yo' git so nimpatient! Stop yo' dancin', old girl. You're gittin' Dick all fretted up." Frank and Bart sprang in and took the rear seat. In a moment Toots was on the front seat, and the horses clattered out of the stable. The eastbound express drew up at Bloomfield station.

Rutter look ill, Todd?" he continued, picking up the thread of the talk where he had left it. "He wasn't very well when I left." "No, sah, neber see him look better. Been up a li'l' late I reckon, Marse Harry mos' gen'ally is a li'l' mite late, sah " Todd chuckled. "But dat ain't nuthin' to dese gemmans. But he sho' do wanter see ye. Maybe he stayed all night at Mister Seymour's.

Mandy Ann hesitated a moment and then said, "I'se promised never to tole you no mo' lies, so dis is de truffe, ef I was to drap dead. I'd like you to marry some de gemmans in Jacksonville, or some dem who comes to de Brock House, but not him downstars!" "Why not?" Eudora asked, and there was a little sharpness in her voice.

"In his li'l' room, son; dey's all in dar, Marse George Temple, Mister Gilbert dem two gemmans who stood up wid Mister Willits dey's all dar. Don't mind what dey say, honey jes' you fall back on ol' Alec. I dassent go in; maybe I'll be yere in de pantry so ye kin git hold o' me. I'se mos' crazy, Marse Harry let me git hold oh yo' hand once mo', son. Oh, my Gawd! dey sha'n't do nothin' to ye!"