United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I lay four months in the coldest season of the year in a haystack in my father's garden, and a whole February in the open fields not far from Camragen, and this I did without the least prejudice from the night air; one night, when lying in the fields near to the Carrick-Miln, I was all covered with snow in the morning.

On the theory that he had our four Gospels before him, this is the more singular, since he would naturally have distinguished one from the other.

First there dashed in two horsemen, who had sprung to the ground almost as soon as their steeds' hoofs struck the paved court-yard. Then there swept by a jaunty dog cart, driven by a mannish figure radiantly robed in white. Swiftly following came the dash and jingle of four coach-horses, bathed in sweat, rolling the vehicle into the court as if its weight were a thing of air.

Probably during the day they are approached by the solicitor of the wonderful Wind Cave, who explains that the best way to reach the cave is by means of the coach and four seen at the hotel in the morning, and arrangements are made for the following day.

Four and a half years of continuous and deliberate lying for victory had disembodied the spirit of veracity and good faith throughout the world of politics. Facts were treated as plastic and capable of being shaped after this fashion or that, according to the aim of the speaker or writer.

I inquired according to the direction he had sent me to Frankfort, but he was not there; however, an old man, finding who I was, said Herr Otto had directed him to go with me to Hesselhurst, a village four or five miles off, where he would meet me. So we set off immediately over the plain, and reached the village at dusk.

The discrepancies in her account of the manuscript prove that at most she could have turned over only three or four pages or half-a-dozen at the outside. So it was at once the most valuable book he ever wrote and also of no value whatever.

It was a rare occasion when Sydney was able, in the middle of term, to leave his chambers between three and four o'clock, and stroll in a leisurely way along the Embankment, peacefully smoking a cigar. The chance came to him one sultry day in June.

It was now discovered, however, that what had originally been taken for one island was in reality a group of four, two other channels being noted, one at the north-east, and the other at the south- east extremity of the inner basin. These channels were at once examined by the explorers, with the result that they were found to be impassable, except by boats.

It is very recently that the Dyaks have ventured to store their padi in houses. At 8 P.M. attended the feast given in our honor, where we saw the women dancing; they appeared very happy, and pleased to see us. "9th. This morning we had all the Orang Kayas of the four villages, who informed me they were very comfortable and happy.