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And if the martyr to o'er-sicklied refinement to sentiment too etherialised for the world, where God hath placed thee ideal woes have stamped a wrinkle on the brow, and ideal dreams now constitute thy pleasure and thy bane: for such as thou art! living on feeling's excess soaring to rapture's heights or sinking to despair's abyss Naples is not fitting!

In the passing from a lower to a higher condition, we cannot now realise the quick change which would pass over the material framework of the patriarch, but that it would be etherialised so as to be "a heavenly body" marvellously endowed with new powers of sense, of insight and locomotion, fit to be the instrument of a soul fully redeemed from the consequences of sin, we cannot doubt; and for thousands of generations has that soul sunned itself in the brightest fellowships and employments of the highest heaven.

The domestic stories of the Patriarchs were not rejected as unprofitable when Israel became deeply impregnated with the monogamous teachings of writers like the author of the last chapter of Proverbs; the character of David was idealised by the spiritual associations of the Psalter, parts of which tradition ascribed to him; the earthly life was etherialised and much of the sacred literature reinterpreted in the light of an added belief in immortality; God, in the early literature a tribal non-moral deity, was in the later literature a righteous ruler who with Amos and Hosea loved and demanded righteousness in man.

There sleeps in a modest nook, surmounted by the wall-flower, and by creeping ivy, and by many-coloured shrubs, and by one simple yellow flower, of very peculiar and rare fragrance; a type, as the author of these pages deemed, of the wonderful etherialised genius of the man there sleeps, as posterity will judge him, the first of the poets of the age we live in Percy Bysshe Shelley!

Yet there was a wondrous beauty still lingering over them; they seemed etherialised as if an angel's smile had last stirred their lines, when the spirit went forth, and left its imprint of wonder, joy, and awe thereon; and Alfgar instinctively turned from them to the blue depths of heaven above, where a few stars were visible, although dimmed by the moonlight; and he seemed to trace his beloved Bertric's passage to the realms of bliss.

It is one in which we feel indubitably feel that we are of the fashioning of God; that the light which intellect darts around us, is not the result of education of maxims inculcated or of principles instilled; but that it is a ray caught from the brightness of eternity that when our wavering pulse has ceased to beat, and the etherialised elements have left the baser and the useless dust that ray shall not be quenched; but shall again be absorbed in the full effulgence from which it emanated.

Yes, if it were only in order to inquire whether the human soul freed from all constraint, is capable of infinite expansion, like a liberated gas. To mix positive and materialist science with etherialised sensualism, such is my object.