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The Count of Dinant and his brother De Ronsoy were both slain, and two or three hundred thousand florins were paid in ransom by those who escaped with life. The victims were all buried outside of the town in one vast trench, and the effluvia bred a fever which carried off most of the surviving inhabitants. Dourlens became for the time a desert.

Formal declaration of war against Spain Marriage festivities Death of Archduke Ernest His year of government Fuentes declared governor-general Disaffection of the Duke of Arschot and Count Arenberg Death of the Duke of Arschot Fuentes besieges Le Catelet The fortress of Ham, sold to the Spanish by De Gomeron, besieged and taken by the Duke of Bouillon Execution of De Gomeron Death of Colonel Verdugo Siege of Dourlens by Fuentes Death of La Motte Death of Charles Mansfeld Total defeat of the French Murder of Admiral De Pillars Dourlens captured, and the garrison and citizens put to the sword Military operations in eastern Netherlands and on the Rhine Maurice lays siege to Groento Mondragon hastening to its relief, Prince Maurice raises the siege Skirmish between Maurice and Mondragon Death of Philip of Nassau Death of Mondragon Bombardment and surrender of Weerd Castle Maurice retires into winter quarters Campaign of Henry IV. He besieges Dijon Surrender of Dijon Absolution granted to Henry by the pope Career of Balagny at Cambray Progress of the siege Capitulation of the town Suicide of the Princess of Cambray, wife of Balagny

The days being short, we were obliged to sleep at Dourlens; and, on our arrival at the castle, which is now, as it always has been, a state-prison, we were told it was so full, that it was absolutely impossible to lodge us, and that we had better apply to the Governor, for permission to sleep at an inn.

Meanwhile, Mazarin having quitted Havre, and the inhabitants of Abbeville refusing him passage through their town, he found an asylum for a few days at Dourlens; but he was soon driven thence by the proceedings of the Parliament against him. He then retired to Sedan, where he took counsel with his friend Fabert, whom he had appointed Commandant there.

Meantime Admiral Villars, who had gained so much renown by defending Rouen against Henry IV., and who had subsequently made such an excellent bargain with that monarch before entering his service, arrived at Amiens. On the 24th July an expedition was sent from that city towards Dourlens. Bouillon and St. Pol commanded in person a force of six hundred picked cavalry.

The Count of Dinant and his brother De Ronsoy were both slain, and two or three hundred thousand florins were paid in ransom by those who escaped with life. The victims were all buried outside of the town in one vast trench, and the effluvia bred a fever which carried off most of the surviving inhabitants. Dourlens became for the time a desert.

Meantime Admiral Villars, who had gained so much renown by defending Rouen against Henry IV., and who had subsequently made such an excellent bargain with that monarch before entering his service, arrived at Amiens. On the 24th July an expedition was sent from that city towards Dourlens. Bouillon and St. Pol commanded in person a force of six hundred picked cavalry.

At lasts M. le Duc d'Orleans mentioned Dourlens. I stopped him short at the name, and recommended it warmly. I knew the governor, Charost, and his son to be men of probity, faithful, virtuous, and much attached to the state. Upon this it was agreed to send M. du Maine to Dourlens.

I saw yesterday a relation of Madame de la F , who is in the army, and whom I formerly mentioned as having met when we passed through Dourlens. He was for some months suspended, and in confinement, but is now restored to his rank, and ordered on service. He asked me if I ever intended to visit France again.

The Spaniard's victories were, indeed, mainly attributable to the experience, the genius, and the rancour of De Rosnes. But debates over a lost battle are apt to be barren. Meantime Fuentes, losing no time in controversy, advanced upon the city of Dourlens, was repulsed twice, and carried it on the third assault, exactly one week after the action just recounted.