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Updated: August 20, 2024

There is, however, this to be said in favour of the former, we know that, monotonous though it be, it is very much sooner over; and on a voyage of some thousands of miles, we can calculate to a day, and almost to an hour, when we shall arrive at our destination. But, to be set against the shorter time consumed on the voyage, there are numerous little désagrémens.

"For the mere pain, let it pass; and for the other desagremens of my lot, let us not dare to speak evil of them, lest we should be slandering my best friends. If infirmity, toil, poverty, and the foibles of people about us, all go to fortify us in self-reliance, God forbid that we should quarrel with them!"

With all its desagremens, I can't help laughing at the adventure, and I am heartily glad to have had the opportunity of displaying old Jackson's science upon those wretched gens-d'arme. "Your, truly, "G.L." This, certainly, thought I, improves my position.

"And hence," said I, "springs that universal vulgarity of idea, as well as manner, which pervades all society for nothing is so plebeian as imitation." "A very evident truism!" said Clarendon "what I lament most, is the injudicious method certain persons took to change this order of things, and diminish the desagremens of the mixture we speak of.

Out of sixty days which we had devoted to Norway, only four were rainy a degree of good fortune which rarely falls to the lot of travellers in the North. Christiania, from its proximity to the continent, and its character as capital of the country, is sufficiently advanced in the arts of living, to be a pleasant resting-place after the désagrémens and privations of travel in the interior.

There are, besides these, innumerable situations in which our preparations of the night would appear, as none of the wisest; but I prefer going at once to my own, which, although considerably inferior in difficulty, was not without its own "desagremens."

Indeed, the abuse which our voiturier had vented on the desagremens et disgraces of the coche d'eau, in order to secure himself our company to Lyons, had determined us on trying this conveyance; for the habit of lying is so constant and inveterate in this class of fellows, as to possess all the advantages of truth; inasmuch as you have only to believe the direct contrary of what they say.

With all its desagremens, I can't help laughing at the adventure, and I am heartily glad to have had the opportunity of displaying old Jackson's science upon those wretched gens-d'arme. "Your, truly, "G.L." This, certainly, thought I, improves my position.

It has increased more since that time than even during the preceding year; and I have no further anxiety about my worldly prospects. I am as well satisfied with my choice of an occupation in life as ever. Mine has its anxieties, and desagremens, as others have: but I am convinced I could not have chosen better.

What! with my high character and connections, with my stake in society, was it to be expected that I, the Marquess of Carabas, was going to make any move which compromised the predominancy of my interests? No, no, no, my Lord Courtown; the predominant interest must be kept predominant; eh! Vivian?" "To be sure, my Lord; explicitness and decision will soon arrange any desagremens."

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