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Fowler, in consequence of the success of a patent medicine, the Tasteless Ague Drops, which were supposed, "probably with reason," to be a preparation of that mineral. "To his sagacity we are indebted for the first impulse to those regulations by which scorbutus is so successfully prevented in our navy." Cyc. Prac. Med. art.

The king bore a part in this ceremony, and subjoined, So help me God! I will keep all these articles inviolate, as I am a man, as I am a Christian, as I am a knight, and as I am a king crowned and anointed. " Hume, ch. 12. See also Blackstone's Introd. to the Charters. Black. Law Tracts, Oxford ed., p. 332. Makintosh's Hist. of Eng., ch. 3. Lardner's Cab. Cyc., vol. 45, p. 233 4.

Laws of Alfred, translated by R. Price, prefixed to Mackintosh's History of England, vol. l. 45 Lardner's Cab. Cyc.

To th': casual cyc it would have appeared as quite uniquely hideous until the red and yellow or the purple and orange ones had been seen; after that, no human being could have made a decision, where each was so unparalleled in its ugliness, and Old Kennebec's confusion of mind would have been perfectly understood by the connoisseur.

Gilbert on the Court of Exchequer, 61-2. The opinion expressed in the text, that the Witan had no legislative authority, is corroborated by the following authorities: Durham's Middle Ages, Sec. 2, B. 2, Ch. l. 57 Lardner's Cab. Cyc., 53.

Dunham's Middle Ages, Sec. 2, B. 2, Ch. 1. 57 Lardner's Cab. Cyc., 60. Spence's Origin of the Laws and Political Institutions of Modern Europe, p. 444. Spence, 456.

Hume calls the Trial by Jury "An institution admirable in itself, and the best calculated for the preservation of liberty and the administration of justice, that ever was devised by the wit of man." Mackintosh's Hist. of Eng., ch. 3. 45 Lardner's Cab. Cyc., 354.

Their functions were to execute the decrees of the king, or ealdormen, to arrest prisoners, to require bail for their appearance at the sessions, to collect fines or penalties levied by the court of the shire, to preserve the public peace, and to preside in a subordinate tribunal of their own." Durham's Middle Ages, sec. 2, B. 2, ch. 1. 57 Lardner's Cab. Cyc., p 41.

The free end of a growing twig is introduced into a limb of its own tree, back of a specimen fruit, thus pushing its development by means of the supplemental feeding so provided. Cf. Cyc. Am. Hort.

No case of puerperal fever occurred afterwards, neither had any of the neighboring surgeons any cases of this disease. At the same meeting Mr. Lee makes the following statement: "In the last two weeks of September, 1827, five fatal cases of uterine inflammation came under our observation. Cyc. of Pract.