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Spine, alteration of, to suit the erect attitude of man. Spirits, fondness of monkeys for. Spiritual agencies, belief in, almost universal. Spiza cyanea and ciris. Spoonbill, Chinese, change of plumage in. Spots, retained throughout groups of birds; disappearance of, in adult mammals. Sprengel, C.K., on the sexuality of plants. Springboc, horns of the.

Of small bushes, cornels, honeysuckles, and the ivy tribe predominated, with Symplocos and Skimmia, Eurya, bushy brambles, having simple or compound green or beautifully silky foliage; Hypericum, Berberry, Hydrangea, Wormwood, Adamia cyanea, Viburnum, Elder, dwarf bamboo, etc.

Spiza cyanea, during the breeding-season, is of a bright blue colour; and though generally peaceable, it attacked S. ciris, which has only the head blue, and completely scalped the unfortunate bird. Mr.

I had no fear of Aurelia, but when another free-swimming species of jelly-fish, Cyanea, or the blue-jelly, appeared, I swam ashore with all speed. This great jelly is usually more of a reddish liver-colour than a purple, and is much to be dreaded. Its tentacles are of enormous length.

Montagu, G., on the habits of the black and red grouse; on the pugnacity of the ruff; on the singing of birds; on the double moult of the male pintail. Monteiro, Mr., on Bucorax abyssinicus. Montes de Oca, M., on the pugnacity of male Humming-birds. Monticola cyanea. Monuments, as traces of extinct tribes. Moose, battles of; horns of the, an incumbrance.

My notes mention Osmia Morawitzi, PEREZ, and Osmia cyanea, KIRB., as having been recognized in these dwellings, although they are not very assiduous visitors.

Fraser, C., on the different colours of the sexes in a species of Squilla. Fraser, G., colours of Thecla. Frere, Hookham, quoting Theognis on selection in mankind. Fringilla cannabina. Fringilla ciris, age of mature plumage in. Fringilla cyanea, age of mature plumage in. Fringilla leucophrys, young of. Fringilla spinus. Fringilla tristis, change of colour in, in spring; young of.

Tristram, some curious exceptions to the rule; thus the male of the Monticola cyanea is conspicuous from his bright blue colour, and the female almost equally conspicuous from her mottled brown and white plumage; both sexes of two species of Dromolaea are of a lustrous black; so that these three species are far from receiving protection from their colours, yet they are able to survive, for they have acquired the habit of taking refuge from danger in holes or crevices in the rocks.

Pernis cristata. Perrier, M., on sexual selection; on bees. Perseverance, a characteristic of man. Persians, said to be improved by intermixture with Georgians and Circassians. Personnat, M., on Bombyx Yamamai. Peruvians, civilisation of the, not foreign. Petrels, colours of. Petrocincla cyanea, young of. Petrocossyphus. Petronia. Pfeiffer, Ida, on Javan ideas of beauty.

I may here add that I have, with little success, endeavoured, by consulting various works, to decide how far the period of variation in birds has generally determined the transmission of characters to one sex or to both. For instance, the males of Tanagra aestiva and Fringilla cyanea require three years, the male of Fringilla ciris four years, to complete their beautiful plumage.