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The daisies which you gather, the maidens from whom you cut handfuls of hair excellent for stuffing mattresses, your rustic beauties with cheeks like rosy apples are conquests worthy of counter-jumpers in their Sunday clothes. That is nothing but the very lowest grade of love-making, and yet you are right, a thousand times right, and wonderfully wise compared with me." "You do me too much honor!

Gradually S. Cohn became aware that the military fever of which he read in both his organs was infecting his clothing emporium that his own counter-jumpers were in heats of adventurous resolve. The military microbes must have lain thick in the khaki they handled.

Among them were bankers and merchants and real estate dealers, side by side with soda-jerkers and counter-jumpers and elevator-men and all taking their orders from an ex-blacksmith's helper, who had run away to fight in the Philippines.

A young man who passes his own kindred in the streets of his native town without the common courtesy due to age or respectability; a young man who sneers at the fortune acquired in an honest and reputable trade; a young man who calls his cousins counter-jumpers, and his aunts and uncles 'swaddlers' a vulgar term of contempt applied to the earlier members of the Wesleyan confraternity such a young man is not the individual to impart moral lustre to material wealth; and I am free to confess that I had rather any one else than Theodore Judson should inherit this vast fortune.

"Ah!" continued Flockart, "in Scotland the old families are gradually decaying, and their estates are falling into the hands of blatant parvenus. Counter-jumpers stalk deer nowadays, and city clerks on their holidays shoot over peers' preserves. The humble Scot sees it all with regret, because he has no real liking for this latter-day invasion by the newly-rich English.

And you have come, I hope, to apologize for your miserable France. It is thus that you govern Corsica, with a Civil Service made up of a parcel of old women and young counter-jumpers! I have no patience with your prefectures and your young men with flowing neck-ties and kid gloves. Are we a girls' school to be governed thus? And you such great soldiers!

We have a language as ancient as the hills that shelter us, and the rivers that never weery of refreshing us.... "Only recently a few shop-assistants a handful of counter-jumpers tried to shake the integrity of our commerse. But their white cuffs held back their aarms, and the white collars choked their aambitions.

The daisies which you gather, the maidens from whom you cut handfuls of hair excellent for stuffing mattresses, your rustic beauties with cheeks like rosy apples are conquests worthy of counter-jumpers in their Sunday clothes. That is nothing but the very lowest grade of love- making, and yet you are right, a thousand times right, and wonderfully wise compared with me." "You do me too much honor!

Then, as to the enervating effects of aristocracy, and noble effeminacy, I have seen ten times as much of it among your counter-jumpers and dealers in bob binet, as I have seen in the sons of dukes and princes; and, in my later days, circumstances have brought me much in contact with many of these last.

'To'od 'a' cost more butter to cook him 'n' he's worth, says the fellah. Takes a whole piece o' goods to cover a girl up now-a-days. I'd as lief undertake to keep a span of elephants, and take an ostrich to board, too, as to marry one of 'em. What's the use? Clerks and counter-jumpers ain't anything. Sparragrass and green peas a'n't for them, not while they're young and tender.