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Corentin's idea was that of his master: "Malin knows all about the conspiracy But," he added to himself, "perhaps Fouche does, too; who knows?" Corentin, having started for Troyes before Malin, had made arrangements with the commandant of the gendarmerie in that town, who picked out a number of his most intelligent men and placed them under orders of an able captain.

"Monsieur Cerizet," said la Peyrade, beginning to assume a protecting tone, and wishing to discover his late associate's place in Corentin's confidence, "you seem to know a good deal about the secret intentions of the government; have you found your way to a certain desk in the rue de Grenelle?" "No. All that I tell you," said Cerizet, "I get from du Portail."

By this means Peyrade hoped, with Corentin's assistance, to find a husband and scrape together a portion for his little Lydie. Corentin had already mentioned the matter to the Director-General of the police forces of the realm, without naming Peyrade; and the Director-General, a man from the south, thought it necessary that the suggestion should come from the chief of the city police.

No one from the outside has got near the chateau; she is laughing at us," said the two agents to each other by a look. "We shall not inconvenience you long," replied Corentin. "In three hours from now we shall offer our regrets for having troubled your solitude." No one replied. This contemptuous silence redoubled Corentin's inward rage.

Besides all this, he thought himself tricked by these young nobles, who had given him their promise to live peaceably. "Fouche's prediction has come true," he cried, remembering the words uttered two years earlier by his present minister of police, who said them under the impressions conveyed to him by Corentin's report as to the character and designs of Mademoiselle de Cinq-Cygne.

You seem to me not bereft of common sense; listen to my dilemma." There was a pause, during which Lucien met Corentin's cat-like eye fixed on him with a perfectly icy stare.