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"Myself must be endangered," said Robin softly. "The second matter is whether you cannot get me near her Grace in the event of her execution. I could at least give her absolution sub conditione." Mr. Bourgoign shot a glance at him which he could not interpret. "Sir," he said; "God will reward you.... As regards the second matter it will be exceedingly difficult.

Though they reasoned 'de conditione humanæ miseriæ, and 'de contemptu mundi, yet the whole world was a pageant of God's glory, a testimony to His goodness. Their chastened senses, pure hearts, and simple wills were as wings by which they soared above the things of earth, and sent the music of their souls aloft with every other creature in the symphony of praise.

This is admitted by every one who worships trees, wells, and stones; and indeed it stands to reason, for it is but a branch of the well-known 'Sanctificatio ex loco, opere, tactu vel conditione. I will admit that this power is but vague, slight, tenuous, and dissipatory, still there it is: though of course its poor effect is to that of the Benedictio major what a cat's-paw in the Solent is to a north-east snorter on Lindsey Deeps.

So the MSS. For they read ejus here, and amissus est below. Rhenanus omitted ejus, and wrote es for est; and he has been followed in the common editions since. Conditione. By the circumstance, or by virtue of our long absence. T. and his wife had parted with A. four years before his death, and had been absent from Rome ever since, where or why does not appear. Superfuere. Cf. superest, G. 6, note.

This were a marriage on constraint; out of which a thousand INCONVENIENTIAE might spring!" Hear Linsenbarth, in the piebald dialect, with the sound heart, and preference of starvation itself to some other things! "And I had LEGITIMAM CAUSAM to refuse the vocation CUM TALI CONDITIONE. "However, it was very ill taken of me.

There he remained for a month; and at the end of it he was persuaded by "certain good and learned men" that the cause was not one for which it was lawful to suffer. He undertook to comply, sub conditione, with some necessary reservations, and was sent home to the cloister.