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Updated: August 17, 2024

Yeckorus, most a hundred besh kenna, when mi dadas sus a chavo, yeck ratti a booti Rommany chals san millerin kettenescrus pash the boro panni, kun sar-sig the graias ankaired a-wickerin an' ludderin an' nuckerin' an kairin a boro gudli, an' the Rommanis shuned a shellin, an' dicked mushis prasterin and lullyin for lenders miraben, sa's seer-dush, avree a boro hev.

And the ryas tikno chavo would a-mullered if a Rommany juva had not lelled it avree their pauveri bitti tan. An' dovo's sar tacho like my dad, an' to the divvus kenna they pens that puv the Rommany Puv. Once a great gentleman would not let a poor, poor, poor Gipsy stay on his farm. So the Gipsy went to a field on the other side of the way, opposite the gentleman's residence.

As to the language of the stories, it is all literally and faithfully that of a Gipsy, word by word, written down as he uttered it, when, after we had got a gudlo into shape, he told it finally over, which he invariably did with great eagerness, ending with an improvised moral. But when they jawed adree the ker, they lastered the kosh had mullered a divio juckal that was jawan' to dant the chavo.

"And Lena, the juva of my pal's chavo, Job, never hawed plums a'ter her rom mullered." "No, I never smoke cigars. No; I never smoke them now since my brother's son Job died. And I'll tell you how it came. 'Yes, he said, 'I'll give you ale, and a good smoke too. 'Thank you, says I, 'Sir. So he gave me the ale, and a dozen cigars.

"My opinion of death, brother, is much the same as that in the old song of Pharaoh, which I have heard my grandam sing: 'Cana marel o manus chivios ande puv, Ta rovel pa leste o chavo ta romi'. When a man dies, he is cast into the earth, and his wife and child sorrow over him.

"And when my juva dickt'omandy pash-nango, she pens, 'Dovo's tute's heesis? an' I pookered her I'd been a-koorin'. But she penned, 'Why, you haven't got your hovalos an; you didn't koor tute's hovalos avree? 'No, I rakkered; 'I taddered em offus. An' my poor juva ruvved ajaw, for she had no chavo.

I pet em adree my poachy an' jailed apre the purge and latched odoi my pal's chavo, an' he pook'd mandy, 'Where you jallin to, kako? And I penned: 'Job, I've lelled some covvas for tute. 'Tacho, says he so I del him the cigaras.

Well, as yuv was rikkinin' the trushnee an' siggerin burry ora bender the drum, he dicked a rye, who penned, "If tute'll jaw to the ker and hatch minni's juckal ta mandy, mi'll del tute a pash-korauna." So he got a waver chavo to rikker the trushnee for pash the wongur, whilst he jalled for the juckal. So he lelled it.

'My opinion of death, brother, is much the same as that in the old song of Pharaoh, which I have heard my grandam sing Cana marel o manus chivios ande puv, Ta rovel pa leste o chavo ta romi. When a man dies, he is cast into the earth, and his wife and child sorrow over him.

"Avali adusta cheirus I've had to jal dui or trin mees of a Boro Divvus sig' in the sala, to lel ash-wood for the yag. That was when I was a bitti chavo, for my dadas always would keravit. And so we Rommany chals always hatchers an ash yag saw the Boro Divvuses.

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