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You're the rest of the sentence was cut short by a gleeful exclamation from Jim, who, mounted on the box of the carriage, which was drawn up on the cleared plot in front of the meeting-house, waved an open newspaper over his head, and called out, as he caught sight of the Colonel: 'Great news, massa, great news from Charls'on! 'What is it, Jim? shouted his master. 'Give it to us.

The darky had somehow learned to read, but holding the paper at arm's length, and throwing himself into a theatrical attitude, he belched out, with any amount of gesticulation, the following: 'De news am, massa, and gemmen and ladies, dat de ole fort fore Charls'on hab hen devacuated by Major Andersin and de sogers, and dat dey hab stole 'way in de dark night and gone to Sumter, whar dey can't be took; and dat de ole Gubner hab got out a procdemation dat all dat don't lub de Aberlishen Yankees shill cum up dar and clar 'em out; and de paper say dat lots ob sogers hab cum from Gorgia and Al'bama and 'way down Souf, to help 'em.

Seating myself on a rosin barrel, I quietly finished my cigar, and was about lighting another, when Jim made his appearance. 'Beg pardon, Massa K , said the negro, bowing very low, 'but I wants to ax you one or two tings, ef you please, sar. 'Well, I replied, 'I'll answer any thing that I ought to. 'Der yer tink, den, massa, dat dey'll git to fightin' at Charls'on?