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Le coeur humain est un abime qui trompe tous les calculs. It is to be presumed that Colonel de Casimir met friends at the reception given by Governor Rapp in the great rooms of the Rathhaus. For there were many Poles present, and not a few officers of other nationalities. The army indeed that set forth to conquer Russia was not a French-speaking army.

"Sans fin nous prodiguons calculs, efforts, travaux; Cependant, au milieu des succes, des bravos En nous quelque chose soupire; Multipliant nos pas et nos soins de fourmis, Nous vondrions nous faire une foule d'amis.... Pourtant un seul pouvait suffire.

For example; without admitting that to make "calculs personnels" is contrary to morality, we agree with him in the opinion, that the principal hygienic precepts should be inculcated, not solely or principally as maxims of prudence, but as a matter of duty to others, since by squandering our health we disable ourselves from rendering to our fellow-creatures the services to which they are entitled.

Tous les calculs qu'on a faits sur cette prétendue multiplication sont des chimères absurdes. They had been used to reconcile the story of the deluge with the admitted population of the world soon afterwards. Essay , ii 453 n. I cite from this, the last edition published in Malthus's lifetime, unless otherwise stated. Ibid. , p. 141. Ibid.