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Updated: August 25, 2024

Not long after Asibowan wished to go back home. "Now I am going home, Aponibolinayen, for no one is watching my house," "No, do not go yet, for someone wants to marry your daughter Binaklingan." "I must go now, you take care of her." So she went back home and they did not see her. As soon as the Sayang was over Dina-ogan was engaged to Binaklingan.

Girl furnishes him with food by cooking a fish stick. They have a daughter who grows one span each time she is bathed. Aponitolau discovers that his parents are searching for him, and determines to go home. Asibowan refuses to accompany him, but uses magic and transfers him and child to his town. Aponitolau falls in love with girl he sees bathing, and his mother goes to consult her parents.

Not long after they went back home to Natpangan. "Sinogyaman, come and oil my hair so that I can go to war," said Aponitolau. "And you, Sinagayan, put some rice in the pot and cook it, and also some fish for us to eat." Not long after she cooked, and Sinogyaman oiled his hair. When Sinagayan finished cooking they ate and started to go to Gegenawan where Asibowan lived.

She crosses river by using her belt as a raft; when she bathes, the drops of water from her body become agate beads. The girl's people agree to the marriage and accept payment for her. Aponitolau and his bride celebrate Sayang and send out betel-nuts to invite the guests. Asibowan refuses to attend, but a betel-nut grows on her pig until, out of pity, she consents.

After their marriage Aponitolau goes to his field. There he keeps many kinds of jars which act like cattle. He feeds them with lawed leaves and salt. While he is gone, the woman to whom he was first betrothed kills his new wife. He restores her to life. Takes her and her parents to the field to see him feed his jars. A bird directs Aponitolau in his search for the maiden Asibowan.

I will rest for awhile and eat when your husband comes," said Aponitolau. Not long after, while they were talking he saw Asibowan break the fish stick and put it in the pot and he watched to see what would become of the stick. He saw that it became a fish.

Not long after she could walk, Aponitolau saw the pile of bones which the searchers had thrown away when they ate, and it was nine times larger than the balaua. "The best thing for us to do, Asibowan, is for us to go to Kadalayapan, for my father and mother are still searching for me and the people who are searching are eating all their animals."

"Ala, Aponitolau, I leave you now for I have showed you the way," said the bird. So Aponitolau went alone to the house of Asibowan. When he reached the ladder of her house Asibowan was looking out of the window and she said, "Oh, there is a rich gentleman. How are you? Where are you going?"

"Since you are the lady who lives here, it is best that you tell your name first," said Aponitolau. "No it is not good for a woman to tell her name first, so you must tell your name," said Asibowan. Not long after, "My name is Aponitolau of Kadalayapan who is the son of Langa-an and Pagatipánan, who goes to find a pretty girl who has power like me," said Aponitolau.

"Yes, Binaklingan who is here is my daughter, and her mother Asibowan with whom I lived for a long time did not want to come here to Kadalyapan, for she said I must find a girl suitable for me to marry and then we must make balaua so that she will come to our town."

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