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Judge William H. Webb married "Donna Louise Abrigo," of Monterey, Mexico. Rev. Frank Bell Webb, pastor of the Presbyterian church, at Union Springs, Ala. Wert Webb, commission merchant of St. Louis, Mo., and two daughters, now in their minority. Col. James D. Webb, of the 51st Alabama Regiment, married Jessie Walton.

José Abrigo, treasurer of Monterey, dashed his sombrero, heavy with silver eagles, to the ground, and the race was begun. Almost at once the black began to gain. Inch by inch he fought his way to the front, and the roar with which the crowd had greeted the start dropped into the silence of apprehension. El Rayo was not easily to be shaken off.

Castro, when taken to task, had replied haughtily that it was the Governor's place to look after his own dignity; he, the Commandante-General of the army of the Californias, had more important matters to attend to. The result had been a furious war of words, ending in a lame peace. "Tell us, Excellency," said José Abrigo, "what will be the outcome?"

Y estas niñas de hoy que adoran en Rizal y que le dedican sus cantos y oraciones, mañana se convertirán en las ciudadanas, que no serán, como la infeliz Maria Clara, víctimas de las injusticias sociales, sino reparadoras de ellas, y sublimes propagadoras del bien, de la virtud de la gloria y grandeza de su patria. ; abrigo esa esperanza, tengo en la libertad de la mujer.

Later in my journeyings to and fro I overheard a lady instructing another person as to the proper way in which to pronounce it, and she made sad work of it. She gave the "B" the sound of the letter G. It also had another name, as you may learn from an old Spanish map of Miguel Costanso, where it is called Ysla de Mal Abrigo, which means that it afforded poor shelter.