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Cal is standin' at the finish with his clock in his hand lookin' real contented. All of a sudden the bird makes a stagger, goes to his knees 'n' chucks the boy over his head. His swipe runs out 'n' grabs the bird 'n' leads him in a-limpin'. "Say! That bird's right-front tendon is bowed like a barrel stave! "This Cal Davis is a big owner. He's got all kinds of kale 'n' he don't fool with dinks.

"Yes," sez I, "Drusilla, I know it, and have known it for some time." She looked real contented, and then I sez "Josiah Allen had got his mind all made up to tent out durin' the Fair. But I broke it up," sez I "I broke it up in time!" At this very minit Josiah and Deacon Sypher come back to us, the Deacon a-limpin', and a-lookin' ten years older than when we last seen him in Jonesville.

"Did he stand for it?" he interrupted. "He sure did," eloquently replied Slim, who was surprised and delighted with the great impression he was making with his experience at church. "Oh, he was a game old buck, he was. Why, the minute he sighted that there prodigious son a-limpin' across the mesa, he ran right out an' fell on his neck "

"By George! pard, you ain't a-limpin' along!" ejaculated Bostil, admiringly, and he put a hand on the other's shoulder. "Bostil, I've a grand hoss," replied Burthwait. "He's four years old, I guess, fer he was born wild, an' you never seen him." "Wild hoss? ... Huh!" growled Bostil. "You must think he can run." "Why, Bostil, a streak of lightnin' ain't anywheres with him."

Catching a hint of a yarn, I asked if there were many three-legged deer in the bush. "W'an't but one ever, far 's I know," he replied. "'N' almighty lucky it was for Warry that one come a-limpin' along his way, for it give him th' only chance he'll probably ever have to say he got to shoot a deer. "Warry?