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A great many players go there from England and Scotland, as well as from various parts of Belgium, and the Flemish "caddies," who cheerfully carry the clubs for 5d. a round, speak English quite well, and know all about the "Royal and Ancient Game." Three different languages are spoken in Belgium. These are Flemish, Walloon, and French.

The price paid by Prince Henry amounts to 3d. 4/5ths per pound weight of the whole carcase, coarse and choice pieces taken together; and at that rate the choice pieces could not have been sold by retail for less than 4½d. or 5d. the pound.

She therefore brought it, little knowing that there was not a penny in hand, and that I had been able to advance only 4l. l5s. 5d. for housekeeping in the Boys’-Orphan-House, instead of the usual 10l.; little knowing also, that within a few days many pounds more will be needed. May my soul be greatly encouraged by this fresh token of my gracious Lord’s faithfulness! Aug. 20.

From May 26, 1846, to May 26, 1848, was expended of the funds of the Institution on missionary objects, £1,559, 11s. 6d., whereby 43 laborers in the gospel, at home and abroad, were assisted. During this period 64,021 tracts were circulated, and the sum of £63, 1s. 5d. was expended on this object of the funds of the Institution.

I ascribe this to God's blessing, through the instrumentality of early rising, and plunging my head into cold water when I rise. As to the church: During the last year have been added 115; of whom 34 have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord among us. As to my temporal supplies, the Lord has been pleased to give me, during the past year, £313, 2s. 5d. January 1, 1840.

In 1913 the average cost at the pit's mouth was 4s. 11.5d. per ton. The railways of Newfoundland have had a chequered history. Now they are Government property, worked by a private company under a 50 years' lease, which dates from 1901, and under that lease no rent is paid. The gauges of the Dominions' railways are very varied.

Among other things, he reports 50 families, 321 persons, who were supported by 109 frames; each frame yielded on an average 5.5 shillings; each family earned an average of 11s. 4d. weekly. Out of this there was required for house rent, frame rent, fuel, light, soap, and needles, together 5s. 10d., so that there remained for food, per head daily, 1.5d., and for clothing nothing.

The amount of imports in 1855 was: British goods, £136,496 7s. 6d., foreign goods £31,222 11s. 5d. The trade last year was greatly increased by the unusually large demand for olive-oil from all parts, and there is no doubt that, under a more liberal Government, the commerce might be developed to a vast extent.

In the cotton industry of Osoka, for example, most of the work is done by girls under fourteen, who work eleven hours a day and got, in 1916, an average daily wage of 5d. Labour organization is in its infancy, and so is Socialism; but both are certain to spread if the number of industrial workers increases without a very marked improvement in hours and wages.

It may also be interesting to the reader to know that the total amount which has been given for the other objects, since the commencement of the work, amounts to £33,293, 9s. 10¼d.; and that which has come in by the sale of Bibles, since the commencement, amounts to £2,080, 9s. 10½d.; by sale of tracts, £1,778, 2s. 5d.; and by the payments of the children in the day schools, from the commencement, £2,066, 13s. 4½d.