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«That they were willing to admit that the French and Eastern Indians might have just grounds to their own satisfaction, for war against the Mohawks. That they looked upon all such Indians, as received the Yoke of Christ, with another eye than upon others who worship the Devil. That they desired, by all just means, to keep peace, if it may be, with all men, even with these barbarians.

"Lawless", vous vous souvenez; nous avions lu cela quelque part: Two bawks in the air, two fisches swimming in the sea not more lawless than we... Que c'est beau la littérature! Lafcadio! mon ami, apprenez la loi des subtils. Vous pourriez peut-être avancer.

68 10 vieille fée: read "Les Fées de France" in "Contes du lundi." 68 19 remis: more colloquial than reconnu. 68 20 du corps que vous avez pris: 'of the flesh you have taken on. 68 21 coquin de bon sort: cf. note to 1 12. 68 24 Mais enfin: 'But, tell me.

71 13 grosse comme le poing: 'as big as your fist. 71 14 haute de cinq doigts: cf. notes to 26 5 and 42 23. serviette: a kind of 'portfolio' widely used in France by public officials, professors, and others, for carrying papers and books. 71 15 notaire: the position of the French notaire is more dignified than that of our 'notary', he performs some of the functions of the American lawyer.

87 30 s'était ... inexplicable: 'had conceived an inexplicable fancy for his master. Se prendre d'amitié pour quelqu'un = 'to take a liking; to a person. 87 32 ne ... semelle: 'never more than a foot behind him, lit. 88 2

L'habile et entreprenant Tchoung-Héou sentit cela. Au moment il mourut, en 1866, il était directeur de la compagnie de Kouang- Than, dans la province de ce nom, et sous-directeur de la Caisse des Fonds des Morts,

45 30 en avait ... compte: 'had more than it wanted. 46 8 Il eut beau s'escrimer: on avoir beau cf. note to 11 9. Escrimer = 'to fence, s'escrimer = 'to exert oneself. 46 9 ne s'ouvrit pas: cf. note to 5 23.

His love for Cécile, granddaughter of a gentle country doctor, is rapidly making a man of him, when his mother enters again into his life and the poor boy dies miserably in a hospital, killed by despair rather than by disease. This is perhaps the most powerful of Daudet's novels; it is certainly the most harrowing.

Hamlet ne dit-il point, au moment vient de lui apparaître l'ombre de son père: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than there are dreamt of in your philosophy?... Eh bien, Luisa, c'est d'un de ces mystères que je vous parle. Mon ami, dit Luisa, savez-vous que parfois vous m'effrayez? Le jeune homme lui serra la main et la regarda de son plus doux regard.

60 9 ne fit que traverser: 'did no more than pass through, 'merely passed through. 60 13 sous les ramages ... fleurs: 'under the figures of her flowered dress' laissant deviner: cf. note to 7 23. 60 14 friande