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It seems certain that a feminely functionating brain can occupy a male body and vice versa. Males may be borne with female external genitals and vice versa. La troisième forme paraît être très rare.

62 21 se trouvaient être: 'proved to be', cf. note to 13 22. 62 24 tous: pronoun, for pronunciation cf. note to 20 13. 62 26 lui gagnaient son argent: 'won his money from him. 62 29 le Prophète: Mohammed It is common in European literature to represent Mohammedans as paying to Mohammed the same sort of worship as Catholics pay to the highest saints. Cf. note to 83 8.

MERCUTIO. Thy wit is a very bitter sweeting; it is a most sharp sauce. ROM

Suddenly he appeared on the threshold of the garden-gate. 2. He thought it his duty to offer some explanation. 3. His head was bare, and he wore wide trousers of white linen. 4. There was a great movement among the crowd. 5. I beg your pardon, that is not all; you have forgotten that there was also a long blue tassel. 6. Besides, my eye-glasses bother me. 7.

When Corneille de Witt in January, 1672, had come to van Baerle, and, in the supposed secrecy of the drying-room, confided to his godson the state correspondence, Boxtel, telescope in hand, watched attentively all the movements. He saw the mysterious package pass from the hands of de Witt to those of van Baerle who enclosed it carefully in the drawer where he kept his best tulip bulbs.

La vieille, dans son verre, noya son émotion. Deux jours avant, reprit-elle, j'étais venue lui faire les ongles, ici, car c'était sa chambre. Sur le mur, près de la fenêtre, avec son canif, il écrivait dans la pierre quelque chose. Regarde, ça se voit encore. Was it not Fate, that, on this July midnight...

'has not given of his news since. 65 15 Qu'est devenu: 'what has become of? lit. 'what has become? Cf. note to 93 7. 65 23 Tombouctou: 'Timbuktu, the most famous city of central Africa, a French possession since 1893, in Tartarin's time only three Europeans had ever reached it, and one of these was killed two days after he left the city. 65 24 garde: subjunctive.

I humbly and respectfully, but with full confidence, recommend it to my French readers. Charles Dickens. Tavistock-House, London, January 17th, 1857.

Surely it would have been better if he had never gone to Paris, but, like his friend Mistral, had remained in Provence and devoted his essentially poetic genius to an expression of the spirit of the south. His keenly sensitive nature was too delicate for intercourse with the virility of a Zola or the subtlety of a Goncourt. Paris made of him a realist, and the world lost by the transformation.

We know as a certainty that a small German force was actually defeated outside Malines, and actually fled into Louvain on the very evening it was burned and devastated. The Germans allege that the townsfolk immediately started «to finish off the survivors», firing from the windows and house-tops.