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L'histoire ne nous apprend que les grands traits manifestés par la force des circonstances, mais elle ne peut nous faire pénétrer dans les impressions intimes qui, en influant sur la volonté de quelques-uns, ont disposé du sort de tous. Les découvertes en ce genre sont inépuisables; il n'y a qu'une chose étonnante pour l'esprit humain, c'est lui-même. The proper study of mankind is man.

It is interesting, however, to read a letter of hers touching this point, for it shows, apart from other things, what opinion her contemporaries had of her masterpiece. As for me, I am flattered at being suspected, and I think I should acknowledge the book if I were sure that the author would never claim it of me.

She thus might give the welcome of the dead: 'Here rest, my son, with me; the dream is fled; The motley mask and the great stir is o'er: Welcome to me, and to this silent bed, Where deep forgetfulness succeeds the roar Of Life, and fretting passions waste the heart no more

[Note 11: That is my humour. Il paraît que le mot humour était une expression

Great lion-hunters pull the kid's foot with a string. 4. Nothing came all the same. 5. Not being afraid, Tartarin cried louder. 6. Something black stooped in front of him. 7. That is surely a lion! 8. Suddenly Tartarin became silent. 9. Nothing answered the shot. 10. He was afraid and made a leap backward.

Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night....

The otterer it is, the igherer he flies. Dans une note sur un passage relatif aux vers de Pope sur lady Mary W. Montague, il dit: «Je crois pouvoir montrer, s'il en était besoin, que lady Mary W. Montague fut aussi grandement blâmable dans cette affaire, non pour l'avoir repoussé, mais pour l'avoir encouragé; mais j'aimerais mieux éluder cette tâche, quoique lady Mary dût se rappeler son propre vers: Celui-l

MERCUTIO. Well said: follow me this jest now, till thou hast worn thy pump; that, when the single sole of it is worn, the jest may remain, after the wearing, solely singular. ROM

The first part is misquoted in various forms, as here, by Europeans who have been confused by the series of sounds. 92 3 viédaze: a Provençal word, used of persons, = 'a good for nothing, of things, = 'a trifle. Here 'isn't worth a straw.

O bonur dóu jouvènt! dis un is autre Rivalisant de joio e de jouïno, Entre éli se fasien gau e ligueto. E tout lou jour ensèmble, dins la foulo De vint nacioun diverso, incouneigudo, Guihèn souto lou bras emé l'Angloro S'enanavon perdu. La moulounado, Coume uno oundado folo,