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To avoid the difficulties and secure the advantages mentioned, we have chosen the Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault and Madame de Beaumont. The department of literature thus sought as the means of instruction in language, supplies, as our own experience has amply demonstrated, agreeable and attractive material for beginners of all ages and conditions.

My dear Bulwer, I am very sorry to find, from your letter of last week, that you observed, in your conversation with M. Guizot, that there is an impression in his mind that, upon certain occasions which you mention, I appear not to have felt sufficient consideration for his ministerial position; and you would much oblige me, if you should have an opportunity of doing so, by endeavouring to assure him that nothing has been farther from my intention then so to act.

Merci, ma bonne nourrice; sois tranquille, j'y ferai bien attentionLa nourrice réunit dans une petite caisse la robe, un jupon blanc, des has de coton, des souliers de peau noire et un petit bouquet de fleurs que Rosette devait mettre dans ses cheveux. Au moment elle allait fermer la caisse, la fenêtre s'ouvrit violemment, et la fée Puissante entra.

I need not tell you that this affair has been the cause of great vexation. If M. de Salvandy should not have yet left Madrid, I shall not despair of your being able to bring it to some adjustment. But there will be violent speeches in the Cortes, both governments will become more deeply pledged, and every day will add to the difficulty.

It has been superintended, above ail, by an accomplished gentleman, perfectly acquainted with both languages, and able, with a rare felicity, to be perfectly faithful to the English text, while rendering it in elegant and expressive French.

The terrible malady has already seized the younger man, but he still radiates life and cheer: his lightness of heart dispels the gravity of the company; little by little his animation is communicated to them all, and the attic resounds with peals of laughter. It was always so.

Les impôts étaient perçus et les traitements des fonctionnaires payés en nature. On distribuait chaque mois aux ouvriers du blé, de l'huile et du vin, de quoi nourrir leur famille, et, du haut en has de l'échelle hiérarchique, chacun recevait en échange de son travail des bestiaux, des étoffes, des objets manufacturés, certaines quantités de cuivre ou de métaux précieux. Les employés du fisc devaient donc avoir

Lahure in a manner equally spirited, liberal, and generous. It has been made with the greatest care, and its many difficulties have been combated with unusual skill, intelligence and perseverance.

[Note 41: He has no children! On est demeuré dans l'incertitude sur le sens de cette exclamation: quelques personnes pensent qu'elle s'adresse

Charles V. selected this palace as his residence in 1347, and it served as the abode of the royal family till the reign of Louis XIV., who preferred Versailles. Since the days of the Empire it has been used as a museum.