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The widely-advertised medicines and remedies guaranteed to cure all sorts of diseases in a very short time are almost certain to be one of two things: either out-and-out frauds, costing about four cents a bottle and selling for fifty cents or a dollar, or else dangerous poisons. All patent pain relievers are safe things to let entirely alone.

He's travelled three hundred miles to get here, and will go back to-morrow. The Reise-Kaiser, you know." Michael looked up with some slight anxiety. "Ought I to write my name or anything?" he asked. "He has stayed several times with my father." "Has he? But I don't suppose it matters. The visit is a widely-advertised incognito. That's his way. God be with the All-highest," he added.

The multiplicity and increasing facilities in the means of transportation and travel; the State visit of energetic and enlightened reformers to Persia’s capital; the forthcoming and widely-advertised journey of the Sháh himself to the progressive capitals of Western Europe; the repercussion of Turkey’s astounding reforms among an essentially sensitive and receptive people; the loud and persistent clamor of a revolting order in Russia against the evil domination and dark plottings of all forms of religious sectarianism; the relentless vigor with which Afghanistan’s ambitious Ruler, reinforced by the example of his gracious Consort, is pursuing his campaign of repression against a similar order of a corrupted clergy at homeall tend to lend their force in fostering and fashioning that public opinion which can alone provide an enduring basis for the reform Movement destined to usher in that golden Era craved for by the followers of the Faith in Bahá’u’lláh’s native land.

As I was always very fond of children, I decided to try and put a stop to this dreadful habit of child-murder, so I made it known far and wide that parents could pass their girl-babies on to me, and I would rear and look after them. The result of this widely-advertised offer was that I soon had quite an orphan asylum established an institution which was valuable to me in many ways.

Probably no such widely-advertised remedial substance has so deserved its success as this universally-used waste product of petroleum. We have noticed the fact that in order to procure safety-burning oils, it is absolutely necessary that the more volatile portions be completely distilled over first.