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The smith's eye rested on him with a look of displeasure and suspicion, not lessened by the eagerness with which his wife enforced Waverley's mandate. 'D'ye hear what the weel-favoured young gentleman says, ye drunken ne'er-do-good? And what may your name be, sir? quoth Mucklewrath. 'It is of no consequence to you, my friend, provided I pay your labour.

"There's a youth in this city, it were a great pity That he from our lasses should wander awa'; For he's bonny and braw, weel-favoured witha', And his hair has a natural buckle and a'. His coat is the hue of his bonnet so blue; His pocket is white as the new-driven snaw; His hose they are blue, and his shoon like the slae, And his clean siller buckles they dazzle us a'." BURNS.

"I aye telled the gudeman ye meant weel to him; but he taks the tout at every bit lippening word." "Aweel, I'll stay the last minute I can." "And so," said the handsome young spouse of Mr. Girder, "ye think this Miss Ashton is weel-favoured? Troth, and sae should she, to set up for our young lord, with a face and a hand, and a seat on his horse, that might become a king's son.

and an air of bashfulness, which was in reality the effect of want of habitual intercourse with the world, gave interest to his features, without injuring their grace or intelligence. 'He's vera weel, said the Widow Flockhart, 'but no naething sae weel-far'd as your colonel, ensign. 'I wasna comparing them, quoth Evan, 'nor was I speaking about his being weel-favoured; but only that Mr.

The smith's eyes rested on him with a look of displeasure and suspicion, not lessened by the eagerness with which his wife enforced Waverley's mandate. 'D'ye hear what the weel-favoured young gentleman says, ye drunken ne'er-do-good? 'And what may your name be, sir? quoth Mucklewrath. 'It is of no consequence to you, my friend, provided I pay your labour.

The smith's eyes rested on him with a look of displeasure and suspicion, not lessened by the eagerness with which his wife enforced Waverley's mandate. 'D'ye hear what the weel-favoured young gentleman says, ye drunken ne'er-do-good? 'And what may your name be, sir? quoth Mucklewrath. 'It is of no consequence to you, my friend, provided I pay your labour.

and an air of bashfulness, which was in reality the effect of want of habitual intercourse with the world, gave interest to his features, without injuring their grace or intelligence. 'He's vera weel, said the Widow Flockhart, 'but no naething sae weel-far'd as your colonel, ensign. 'I wasna comparing them, quoth Evan, 'nor was I speaking about his being weel-favoured; but only that Mr.

But I hae seen the day, Monkbarns, when the town-council of Fairport wad hae as soon wanted their town-clerk, or their gill of brandy ower-head after the haddies, as they wad hae wanted ilk ane a weel-favoured, sonsy, decent periwig on his pow.

"Eh! sirs ay! and will hae her? and is she weel-favoured? and what's the colour o' her hair? and does she wear a habit or a railly?" were the questions which the females showered upon the butler. "Hout tout! it wad tak a man a day to answer a' your questions, and I hae hardly a minute. Where's the gudeman?" "Awa' to fetch the minister," said Mrs. Girder, "precious Mr.