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Several plants have been identified as the shamrock; and in "Contributions towards a Cybele Hibernica," is the following extensive note: "Trifolium repens, Dutch clover, shamrock. This is the plant still worn as shamrock on St. Patrick's Day, though Medicago lupulina is also sold in Dublin as the shamrock. Patrick's Day."

Once upon a time I had taken an interest in spectrum analysis, and the theory of the polarisation of light was fairly familiar; any number of books, but not what I wanted to know. Next the idea occurred to me of buying all the colours used in painting, and tinting as many pieces of paper a separate hue, and so comparing these with petals, and wings, and grass, and trifolium.

The footpath winds a red band through the grass of the meads, and if it passes under a cliff the rock too rises aslant in red lines. Along the cropped hedges red campions flower so thickly as to take the place of green leaves, and by every gateway red foxgloves grow. Red trifolium is a favourite crop; it is not much redder than the land which bears it.

TRIFOLIUM ochroleucum. YELLOW CLOVER. This is not a common plant, but it deserves the attention of the grazier. I believe it is not in cultivation. In the garden it stands well, and is a large plant. The herbage appears to be as good as that of any other kind of Clover, and it might, if introduced, be cultivated by similar means. TRIFOLIUM agrarium.

COLCHICUM autumnale. MEADOW-SAFFRON. This is a common plant in pasture-land in Worcestershire, Herefordshire, and other counties. Many are the instances that have occurred of the bad effects of it to cattle. I have this last autumn known several cows that died in consequence of eating this plant. MELILOT. Trifolium officinale.

The hillside was clothed with bushes and plants in flower, among which we recognised the oleander, white rose, juniper, laurustinus, fig-trees, ilex, cypress, strawberry arbutus, a small-leaved myrtle, grape hyacinths thick on the ground, giant and quite small spurges, a euphorbia with thorny trailing stems and heart-shaped leaves, great ericas as high as a man, in some places cyclamen in clumps by the wayside like daisies, a bush trifolium something like cytisus but scentless, thyme, and a kind of sage, while the bay-trees were so fully in bloom that they looked a pale yellowish green instead of their usual colour.

Yonder the magpies fluttered over the beans among which they are always searching in spring; blackbirds, too, are fond of a beanfield. Time advanced again, and afar on the slope bright yellow mustard flowered, a hill of yellow behind the elms. The luxuriant purple of trifolium, acres of rich colour, glowed in the sunlight.

Red Clover is usually cultivated in stiff clays or loamy soils; and when sown alone, about sixteen or eighteen pounds of seed are used for the acre. TRIFOLIUM medium.

The Trifolium medium is, at all events, a plant worth attention, and I think it might be easily brought into cultivation; for although it does not seed so abundantly as the T. pratense, I have observed it in places where a considerable quantity has been perfected, and where it might have been easily collected by gathering the capsules. TRIFOLIUM repens.

"What are you looking for?" exclaimed Harding "There's your ball right in front of you." "I know it," calmly said Wilson, running his hand over the turf, "but I'm curious to know what kind of Trifolium this is." "Wilson," said the magnate, as the former rose to his full height and took a club from his bag, "Wilson, I might as well quit and give up this game." "Why?" asked the surprised banker.