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Markham?" "In France," he stammered. "Do you mean that Hermia Miss Challoner is " "Engaged to Trevvy? Of course. It was cabled from Paris to the Herald. But then nobody who knows about things is really very much surprised. Trevvy has been wild about her for years and her family have all wanted it. It's really a very good match. You see Trevvy is so steady and she needs a skid to her wheel "

But she put her fingers over his lips before he could finish. "Don't Philidor. Wherever I went, I should not go to Trevvy." She laughed. "He cast me off, you know." "Cast you off?" She nodded. "He heard that story at Rood's Knoll after I had gone. The next day he came to my house in town. I saw him. He wore a woe-begone expression and silently presented a clipping from a paper." She laughed again.

How could I have been engaged to Trevvy when I I was already engaged to you?" "Engaged." "Yes, promised. After the forest at SŽes I knew it then. I could never have loved anyone else. Why, Philidor, you held me like this, and kissed me " "You loved me then and before ?" She hesitated demurely. "Yes before." "Before, Alenon?" "Y yes." "Before Verneuil?" She smiled and nodded. "Here at VallŽcy?"

But then I never understand her nor she me." She sipped tea and smiled. "Woman is at once the woman and the serpent, mon ami. All she needs is a man and a Garden of Paradise." He frowned into his teacup but did not reply. "Is it true, John?" she asked quietly. "What is true?" "That Hermia is to marry Trevvy Morehouse?" "From whom did you hear that?" he asked. "From whom have I not heard it?

Was it her tortured imagination that made her hear one of them say to the other after she had passed, "That's the girl ?" What girl? Not herself? She gasped a question to Trevvy. He smiled gaily. "Yes they were pointing you out. Do you wonder that I'm so proud?" Hermia stopped and faced him. She learned in that moment that the thing he had dreamed was impossible. "Please order Mrs.

Her body seemed nerveless and she feared that if she rose her limbs would not support her, or, if they did support her, she must fly like a mad thing from the house. And so she sat, a fixed smile frozen on her lips, greeting those who approached her. Beatrice Coddington left her seat, and Trevvy Morehouse made haste to fill it.