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Updated: August 8, 2024

Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with starry gems; but thy sword, O lord of thunder, is wrought with uttermost beauty, terrible to behold or think of. I asked nothing from thee; I uttered not my name to thine ear. When thou took'st thy leave I stood silent.

"Tell me that, when he watches every turn of that dark eye of thine the only good thing thou took'st of mine! Thou art a witch, Stina." "Hush, oh hush, for pity's sake, father, and let me go home!" "What, thou likest him not? Thy mind is all for the mincing goldsmith opposite, as I ever told thee."

In all Constantinople has been left neither great nor small who does not follow the corpse weeping, and they curse and revile Death; knights and squires swoon, and the dames and the maidens beat their breasts and have railed against Death. "Death!" quoth each, "why took'st thou not a ransom for my lady? Forsooth, but a small booty hast thou gained, and for us the loss is great."

For the knight whom the poet finds thus silent and alone, is rehearsing to himself a lay, "a manner song," in these words: I have of sorrow so great wone, That joye get I never none, Now that I see my lady bright, Which I have loved with all my might, Is from me dead, and is agone. Alas! Death, what aileth thee That thou should'st not have taken me, When that thou took'st my lady sweet?

"Ah, cruel!" said he to himself; still looking on the bird, "thou took'st delight in doing mischief, so I have the less reason to complain of that which thou didst to me: but the greater it was, the more do I wish well to those that revenged my quarrel, punishing thee for the murder of one of their own kind."

Sometimes we see thee fully and can say From hence thou took'st thy rise and went'st that way, But oft'ner the short beams of reason's eye See only there thou art, not how, nor why. I promised in my last to write again before I went out of town, and now I'll be as good as my word.

"Ah, cruel!" said he to himself; still looking on the bird, "thou took'st delight in doing mischief, so I have the less reason to complain of that which thou didst to me: but the greater it was, the more do I wish well to those that revenged my quarrel, punishing thee for the murder of one of their own kind."

Behold me, O beloved friend, and see how happy, and bright, and beautiful I am; and consider that it is all owing to thyself. 'Twas thou that took'st me out of the false path, and made me worthy of admission among saints and angels.

First, thou left the path, being ahead of Jacques Colis, to enter it at a moment suited to thy purposes: then thou took'st his life for gold "

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