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Ven I come to ze wall where my gon hangs I take it, ant says, 'You are a Spion, so defent you! I give one stroke left, one right, ant one on ze head. Ze Spion lay precipitated on ze floor! Zen I taket my cloak-bag ant money, ant jompet out of ze vintow.

Pring here, if you please, two pottle Mateira, ant we shall trink zem wis each oser. Ant ze sergeant says, 'Goot! Ven ze sergeant pring ze Mateira ant we trink it out to ze last trop, I taket his hant ant says, 'Mister Sergeant, perhaps you have still one Vater and one Mutter? He says, 'So I have, Mister Mayer. 'My Vater ant Mutter not seen me eight year, I goes on to him, 'ant zey know not if I am yet alive or if my bones be reposing in ze grave.

So in ze evening, ven all were asleep, I writet one letter to my lantlort, ant laid it on ze table in his room. Zen I taket my tresses, tree Thaler of money, ant go mysteriously into ze street. Nopoty have seen me, ant I go on ze roat." "I had not seen my Mamma for nine year, ant I know not whether she lived or whether her bones had long since lain in ze dark grave.

I vent to Ems, where I was acquainted wis one General Sasin, who loaft me, givet me a passport from ze Embassy, ant taket me to Russland to learn his chiltren. Ven General Sasin tiet, your Mamma callet for me, ant says, 'Karl Ivanitch, I gif you my children. Loaf them, ant I will never leave you, ant will take care for your olt age. Now is she teat, ant all is forgotten!

Ven the night watchman shoutet ten o'clock I taket my hat, paid ze money, and go home. At ze middle of ze night some one knock at ze door. I rise ant says, 'Who is zere? 'Open! says someone. I shout again, 'First say who is zere, ant I will open. 'Open in the name of the law! say the someone behint the door. I now do so.

He manifested more solicitude for their salvation, than for his own restoration to liberty or the preservation of his own life. He immediately entered upon the vigorous study of the language. Having learned that the phrase, "Taket chia biheu," meant, "How do you call that," he commenced compiling a dictionary. He had a natural facility for the acquisition of languages, and made rapid progress.