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He used to talk over the condition of the music market with Tagliafico, our old friend, Fico, of the hall bedroom on the top floor of Miss Husted's establishment, and Pinac, Fico's friend, who occupied the room adjoining.

VALENTIN Mme. PAULINE VIARDOT. MARGUERITE DE VALOIS Mme. CASTELLAN. URBAIN Mlle. ALBONI. COUNT DE ST. BRIS Sig. TAMBURINI. COUNT DE NEVERS Sig. TAGLIAFICO. RAOUL DE NANGIS Sig. MARIO. MARCEL Sig. The action of the opera passes in 1572, the first and second acts in Touraine, and the remainder in Paris.

It was a disease, for it kept poor a good soul, who otherwise might have been, if not well-to-do, at least fairly prosperous. Jenny, young as she was, knew all this. She knew that Fico, or Signor Tagliafico, was a struggling musician and not an artist in any sense of the word. She knew he was an ordinary Italian fiddler who preferred to fiddle for food rather than to work manually for it.

Her concert engagement being terminated, our prima donna made a short tour through Austria, and returned to Paris again to make her début in opera on December 2d, in "Semiramide," with Mme. Grisi, Coletti, Cellini, and Tagliafico, in the cast. The caprice of audiences was never more significantly shown than on this occasion.

Donizetti's "Elixir of Love" was performed at court on February 5, 1847, by the Italian singers, the Persiani, Mario, Tagliafico. It was in the matter of size, but not of talent, a giant in the place of a dwarf. The decoration of the theatre at the Tuileries was then still the same as it had been in the time of the Empire designs in gold on a grey background, the ensemble being cold and pale.

She walked across the hall that led to the front door. "Don't the dratted bell keep goin'," she went on as she tugged open the door, which the damp weather had caused to swell and stick to the door-jamb. "Forgot your key?" she said as she recognised Signor Tagliafico, better known as Fico, the third-floor, hall-bedroom "guest," as Miss Husted insisted on calling her lodgers.

To these are added new attractions, in the shape of old celebrities from Europe: namely, Ronconi, the great Don Giovanni of the London opera; Tagliafico, the basso; Stecchi-Bottardi, tenor from Her Majesty's; Signora Ramos, prima donna from Turin; Signora Tagliafico; and greatest of all, to come when he has got through with the Russians, the famous tenor, Tamberlik.