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As to their composition they repeat the active character of the starchy variety. The sugar is only accumulated as a result of an incapacity of changing it into starch, and the lack of this capacity is to be considered as a retrogressive varietal mark. The starch-producing unit character, which is active in the ordinary sorts of corns, is therefore latent in sugar-corn.

Other seedless varieties can be propagated by buds; their origin is in most cases unknown, and we are not sure as to whether they should be classified with the constant or with the inconstant varieties. A very curious loss is that of starch in the grains of the sugar-corn and the sugar-peas. Equally remarkable is the loss of the runners in the so-called "Gaillon" strawberries.

If the spike of the hybrid contains dormant paternal marks in one-half of its flowers and in the other half maternal latent qualities, the sugar-corn pollen will combine with one-half of the ovules to give hybrids, and with the other half so as to give pure sugar-grains. Hence we see that it will be possible to count out directly the two groups of ovules on inspecting the ripe and dry spikes.

It really makes a difference to you when Jim Smith changes from Brown's grocery to Robinson's, because Jim knows what kind of sugar-corn you like, and your second cousin married Jim's best friend. Bill Blank, the tailor, is not just a mysterious agent who produces your clothes, but a real personality, whose wife's bonnet is worth your study, even though you are the wife of the mayor.

I have repeated it with the sugar-corn, which gives far better material for demonstration. It starts from the inference that if dissimilarity among the pollen grains is excluded, the diversity of the ovules must at once became manifest and vice versa.

The latter would give partly pure starchy grains and partly hybrid kernels, but these would assume the same type. But if we pollinate the hybrid with pollen of a pure sugar-corn, we may predict the result as follows.

The spinage without prickles is a widely known instance. White-flowered flax never reverts to the blue prototype, if kept pure. Sugar-peas and sugar-corn afford further instances. Strawberries without runners have come true from seed ever since their first appearance, over a hundred years ago.

Roxy was a little the shorter and fuller of shape, the milder and more pathetic; in Virgie the white race had left its leaner lines and greater unrelenting. She said to Samson, with the pique her reflections inspired, "I never thought the first man to make love to me would be as black as you." "De white corn years," says Samson, "de rale sugar-corn, de blackbird gits.