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Do you know guess! who I am?" "Are are you a step-one?" breathing hard. "Why, you've guessed the first time!" the Gracious One laughed. "Not not the one, I s'pose?" It frightened him to say it. But the Gracious One laughed again. "The one, yes, you Dear Little Boy Whose Legs Won't Go! I thought I heard you calling me, so I came. And I've brought you something." To think of that!

It was, of course, Morry put it that way because "of course" sometimes comforts you, of course just possible that Jolly's step-one might be different. Ellen might know of there being another kind. So, under the skilful, gentle hands, the boy looked up and chanced it. "Ellen," he said "Ellen, are they all that kind, all of 'em? Jolly's kind, I mean? I thought poss'bly you might know one"

The step-one a boy would like to have come home with his father seemed to materialize out of the dim, soft haze from the shaded night-lamp, seemed to creep out of the farther shadows and come and stand beside the bed, under the ring of light on the ceiling that made a halo for its head. The room seemed suddenly full of its gracious presence. It came smiling, as a boy would like it to come.

But it would only be Dadsy and a step-one, Jolly's kind, most likely. Jolly's kind was pretty, she might be pretty. But she would not come smiling and creeping out of the dark with a halo over her head. That kind came in dreams. Jolly's whistle was comforting to hear. Morry leaned out of his cushions to wave his hand. Jolly was going to school; when he came whistling back, she would be here.

Why! why, that was the kind of a step-one a boy'd like to have come home with his father! That was the very kind! While you'd been lying there thinking you couldn't imagine one, you'd imagined! And it was easy!

They might have been somebody else's, while you lay in the warm, sweet Rec-om-pense. "Will will it last?" he breathed. "Always, Morry." The Gracious Step-one knew his name! "Then Jolly didn't know this kind, we never s'posed there was a kind like this! Real Ones must be like this."